1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 56: ‘If you two smarts really want handling,’ he rapped ferociously, ‘say the word, and I’ll bash you flat.’.at bash, v.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 90: Of course, her game is beating up clients for the Limehouse dive.at beat up, v.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 228: They are covering the big man – Kazmah. Once he and Mrs. Irvin are out of the way, we can prove nothing against Mareno and Sin Sin Wa!at big man (n.) under big, adj.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 129: ‘Allee lightee,’ he murmured. ‘No bhobbery. Allee peaceful fellers.’.at bobbery, n.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 139: ‘Blimey!’ he said pathetically. ‘’Ere’s a go! I been done brown, guv’nor.’.at do brown (v.) under brown, adj.2
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 295: ‘Wotcher mean?’ shouted George. ‘You’re up the pole or canned you are!’.at canned, adj.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 268: ‘H’m, you’re a hard case,’ said the Chief Inspector. ‘A couple of witnesses like you and the jury would retire to Bedlam!’.at hard case, n.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 89: Chandu is a key to another life [...] Chandu is misunderstood in Europe; in Asia it is the companion of aesthete’s leisure. [Ibid.] 91: ‘Someone smokes the chandu cigarettes,’ she said speaking in a low tone.at chandu, n.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 185: How you two smarts can tell a domino from a door-knocker after cracking a dozen magnums gets me guessing.at crack, v.2
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 130: ‘You likee tly one piecee pipee one time?’ inquired the Chinaman. ‘Gotchee fliend makee smokee.’ The man who had poked the fire slapped his companion on the back. ‘Now’s your chance, Jim!’ he cried. ‘You always said you’d like to have a cut at it.’.at have a cut (at) (v.) under cut, n.1
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 54: A kind of half-baked Dago, named Juan Mareno. A citizen of the United States according to his own account.at dago, n.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 141: Sam Tuk exhibited the first evidence of animation which had escaped him throughout the progress of the ‘deal.’ He slowly nodded his hairless head.at deal, n.1
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 187: I say, officer [...] can’t you manage to keep my name out of it? I mean to say, my people will kick up the deuce.at raise the deuce (v.) under deuce, the, phr.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 230: I’ve got half a dozen men doing every dive from Wapping to Gravesend.at dive, n.2
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 90: Of course, her game is beating up clients for the Limehouse dive.at dive, n.2
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 230: I’ve got half a dozen good men doing every dive from Wapping to Gravesend.at do, v.1
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 130: ‘No smokee opium,’ murmured Sin Sin Wa complacently. ‘Smokee Woodbine.’ ‘Ho, ho!’ laughed the other constable. ‘I don’t think.’.at I don’t think, phr.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 177: The dark thing you saw behind it all, Mary was dope! Kazmah’s is a secret drug syndicate. [Ibid.] 268: This joint stinks of opium and a score of other dopes.at dope, n.1
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 214: Lord Wrexborough thinks that Scotland Yard hasn’t got an officer clever enough for the dope people?at dope, adj.1
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 71: It’s bad enough in the heathens, but for an Englishwoman to dope herself is downright unChristian and beastly. [Ibid.] 147: Have you ever thought of giving up this doping?at dope, v.1
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 61: He tore the wrapping off, and tasted a strand of the tobacco. ‘Good heavens!’ he whispered. ‘Gray, these things are doped!’.at doped, adj.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 61: Gray turned an angry glance upon the brown packet [...] ‘Faugh!’ he exclaimed.at faugh!, excl.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 65: I’m fed up to the back teeth with this gun from the Home office!at fed up, adj.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 218: We let Scotland Yard work night and day, and then we present our rat-faced selves to Mr. Monte Irvin and say we have ‘found the lady,’ do we?at find the lady, v.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 218: ‘Flames!’ muttered the Chief Inspector [...] ‘I didn’t mean to break his neck.’.at flames!, excl.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 140: ‘Fetch a glim, Sin Sin,’ he cried. ‘I’ll never get out if I don’t jump to it.’ Sin Sin Wa took the lantern from the counter and followed.at glim, n.
1919 ‘Sax Rohmer’ Dope 144: Except in the form of opiated cigarettes, she could rarely be induced to part with any of the precious gum.at gum, n.3