1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 39: Well, that’s bitchin’ funny, because I don’t like anybody either.at bitching, adj.
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 161: If there is a few bronzewings being born about my place, there’s nearly as much chance of your being their daddy as me.at bronzewing, n.
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 95: There was blackfellow telegraph that there’d been throuble here, and I’ve come from town.at bush telegraph, n.
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 149: For every poddy that’s up in the Coronet breakaways there’s a dozen blokes tying to dodge it off.at poddy dodger, n.
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 225: Why would blokes like Frank Heritage, who’d been a pretty good gin-cuddler in his day, turn round and get married.at gin-cuddler (n.) under gin, n.1
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 35: It’s a kite, me lad! [...] Send it to the bank and it would come back like a nigger boomerang.at kite, n.
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 17: The second restrained him from becoming cook, hut-keeper, shepherd, or straight-out ‘Murrumbidgee whaler’.at Murrumbidgee whaler (n.) under Murrumbidgee, n.
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 29: Tell him to come round with this other snotty-nose.at snotty-nose, n.
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 17: The second restrained him from becoming cook, hut-keeper, shepherd, or straight-out ‘Murrumbidgee whaler’.at straight-out, adj.
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 38: What’ve I done to make youse all get your shirts out?at get one’s shirt out (v.) under shirt, n.
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 134: Don’t like putting on other people’s blacks, but this stud said she wouldn’t stay with you if the police took her back on the chain.at stud (gin) (n.) under stud, n.
1956 T. Ronan Moleskin Midas 106: This bitchin’ country is going to the dogs. You got to pay so much for a bit of velvet that it’d be nearly as cheap to get married.at velvet, n.