1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 139: Then they went completely ape-shit.at go apeshit (v.) under apeshit, adj.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 55: You need to develop ‘eyes in the back of your arse’ as we professional cyclists say.at arse, n.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 107: Slobbo had been relatively nice, so I thought I’d be the baddy.at baddie, n.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 61: We talked about my character’s motivation and all that bollocks.at ballocks, n.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 151: He dragged me into one of the hundreds of cruising beat-up taxis.at beat-up, adj.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 22: The city council is bent, the police force is bent, the government’s bent, the opposition is bent and you still can’t get a drink before seven on a Sunday evening.at bent, adj.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 32: Apparently he’s a big cheese at these football knowledge quizzes they have.at big cheese, n.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 91: I pull some funny faces and do my comical voices and bingo! we have a confession.at bingo!, excl.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 49: They were now sulking in a corner [...] doing each other’s hair and bitching about Sound.at bitch, v.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 59: They’re blagging on about how they’re writing the Indian version of The World According to Garp.at blag, v.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 54: After the game we were kept in the ground for an hour. Blimey! No wonder football fans riot.at blimey!, excl.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 21: What a fucking nob-headed, shit-faced, bollock-brained, turd-shaped, prick-arsed, wanker-faced cunt!at bollockbrain (n.) under bollock, n.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 127: The pubs open early in the morning for the meat porters, so you can usually get a drink in a boozer.at boozer, n.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 106: If you see them at a dance ‘having a bop’ at some May Ball.at bop, n.1
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 148: That’s the people’s game, a man’s game, mate. No bumboys allowed.at bum boy (n.) under bum, n.1
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 43: My chit-chat is well up to international standards and my small talk has recently won a Design Council award for contributors to microscopic conversation.at chitchat, n.1
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 41: His team were going to thrash the commie desperadoes they were playing against.at commie, adj.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 80: Cor, I bet you all have a great laugh when you get together. Cor! My grandma loves you.at cor!, excl.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 36: The line from Rome to Trento will be guarded by the crack ‘Death’s Head Asparagus’ division of the Italian Army.at crack, adj.
1984 A. Sayle Train to Hell 80: Taking all that money off them dick-heads for performing that rubbish!at dickhead, n.