at beaker-hunter (n.) under beaker, n.2
at buttoner, n.
at christen, v.
at cocum, n.
at cross-cove (n.) under cross, adj.
at double fin, n.
at pull down, v.
at fan, n.1
at fly, n.3
at star the glaze (v.) under glaze, n.
at gad the hoof (v.) under hoof, n.
at hoop it, v.
at lour, n.
at mush-faker (n.) under mush, n.3
at padding ken (n.) under pad, v.1
at padding crib (n.) under pad, v.1
at redge, n.
at on the shallow(s) under shallow, adj.
at snam, v.
at snow, n.1
at stallsman (n.) under stall, n.1
at on the steel (adj.) under Steel, the, n.
at swag chovey (n.) under swag, n.1
at wedge, adj.
at work the bulls (v.) under work, v.
at spicy, adj.
at frog (and toad), n.
at walloper, n.1
at not worth a fart, phr.
at not worth a pinch of..., phr.
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