Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Ballads of Babylon choose

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[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Fallen by the Way’ Ballads of Babylon 3: Don’t be a fool and blub, Jim, it’s a darned good thing for you.
at blub, v.
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘A Silver Wedding’ Ballads of Babylon 56: Gout or no gout, here’s a bumper to Harold and Elspeth Grey!
at bumper, n.2
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Sir Rupert’s Wife’ Ballads of Babylon 28: ‘Dare-devil Leigh’ was his nickname, he was last of a lawless line / Who had gone to the deuce full gallop, through women and cards and wine.
at deuce, the, phr.
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Fallen by the Way’ Ballads of Babylon 3: I’m done this time, for a dollar — I can hardly get my breath.
at dollar, n.1
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Ballads of Babylon 82: Her carte is hung in the West-end shops [...] there’s a big crowd stops / To look at the lady who’s ‘all the go’.
at all the go (adj.) under go, n.1
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Little Worries’ Ballads of Babylon 152: You have a kite you cannot fly, And creditors are pressing.
at fly a kite (v.) under kite, n.
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Forgotten — A Last Interview’ Ballads of Babylon 91: Whenever the Lane tried Shakspeare, I was one of the leading men.
at Lane, the, n.
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘The Matron’s Story’ Ballads of Babylon 24: They found out you’re the parson as ’tices the gals away / They say it’s through you they preaches and goes on the ‘Christian’ lay.
at on the lay under lay, n.3
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Little Jim’ Ballads of Babylon 109: Our little Jim / Was such a limb / His mother scarce could manage him.
at limb, n.
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Fallen by the Way’ Ballads of Babylon 11: Mind, when you’re choosin’ a mate, Jim, don’t have a rogue or a muff.
at muff, n.2
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Fallen by the Way’ Ballads of Babylon 6: Be pals, and stick tight to each other!
at stick to, v.
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘A Change for the Better’ Ballads of Babylon 127: When a poet had only to praise a peer, To earn a couple of ‘thou’ a year.
at thou, n.
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Sir Rupert’s Wife’ Ballads of Babylon 28: Sir Rupert had married a madam, a play-acting, mincing wench.
at wench, n.
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘The Earl’s Daughter’ Ballads of Babylon 65: A player wench she had for dam, who made the stage a mart [...] She sinned and played, and played to sin — a bold and brazen girl.
at wench, n.
[UK] G.R. Sims ‘Sir Rupert’s Wife’ Ballads of Babylon 28: His mansion was Liberty Hall; / There was always a warm wet welcome for neighbours who chose to call.
at wet, adj.1
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