Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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A litel boke called Colyn Cloute choose

Quotation Text

[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Cii: Drunken as a mouse At the ale house.
at drunk as (a)..., adj.
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Bi: Now be it they are good men Moche herted lyke an hen.
at chicken-hearted, adj.
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Biii: They make many out cryes [...] And lewdely sayes by Christ.
at Christ!, excl.
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Ai: He prates and he patters, He clytters and he clatters.
at clatter, v.1
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Biiii: Lodged in the strawe Couching your drousy heddes Sometyme in lousy beddes.
at couch, v.
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Aii: He cryeth and he creketh He pryeth and he peketh.
at crack, v.1
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Aiii: Alas they make me shoder For in hoder moder The churche is put in faute.
at in hugger-mugger (adv.) under hugger-mugger, n.1
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Aiii: They lumber forth the law To herken Jacke and Gyl / Whan they put vp a bil.
at jack, n.1
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Biiii: To chewe and to gnawe To fyll ther with your mawe.
at maw, n.
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Aiiii: They renne they in euery stede God wot with dronken nolles.
at noddle, n.
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Bi: What care they [...] Of Jacke of the Noke The pore people they yoke with sommons and citacyons.
at nokes, n.
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Ai: He prates and he patters, He clytters and he clatters.
at patter, v.
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Aii: He cryeth and he creketh He pryeth and he peketh.
at peck, v.1
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Ciiii: They occupy them so With singing placebo.
at sing a placebo (v.) under placebo, n.
[UK] Skelton Colyn Cloute (1550) Aiiii: What hath lay men doe The gray gose for to shoe? [Ibid.] Bii: The gray gooes for to sho Lyke hounds of hell They crye and they yell.
at shoe the (gray) goose (v.) under shoe, v.
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