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Peregrine Pickle choose

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[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 597: Adsooks! ye baggage [...] you shouldn’t want a smock nor a petticoat neither, if you could have a kindness for a true-hearted sailor.
at adzooks!, excl.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 323: But, agad! you was never more mistaken in your life.
at agad!, excl.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 415: Howsomever, that don’t argufy in reverence of his being in a hurry; and a man may be sometimes a little too judgmatical in his conjectures.
at argufy, v.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 683: And upon this scrap of paper – no, avast – that’s my discharge from the parish for Moll Trundle.
at avast!, excl.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 577: He began a song of imprecations upon his fare, who he swore had got a backside of block-tin.
at backside, n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 138: But this condescension was misinterpreted by the other, who [...] asked if Perry was afraid of his bacon.
at bacon, n.1
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 354: She was a pert baggage, and did not deserve a liard.
at baggage, n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 641: ‘Egad! ’tis my opinion, that if your covered way was laid open, few people would venture to give the assault.’ [...] ‘As for that matter, (cried the other with precipitation) they would have no occasion to batter in breach; they would find the angle of the la pucelle bastion demolished to their hands: he he!’.
at batter, v.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 238: A pye made of dormice and syrup of poppies; Christ in heaven! what beastly fellows these Romans were!
at beastly, adj.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 691: From which circumstance it was conjectured that Peregrine was a bite from the beginning, who had found credit on account of his effrontery and appearance, and imposed himself upon the town as a young gentleman of fortune.
at bite, n.1
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 369: A damn’d bite, by G-d!
at bite, n.1
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 354: To whom he was particularly agreeable, on account of his person, address, and bleeding freely at play.
at bleed, v.1
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 187: Pipes [...] thrust the helm into the master’s hand, saying, ‘Here, you old bum-boat woman, take hold of the tiller, and keep her thus, boy, thus’.
at bum-boat, n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 31: A tight, good-humoured, sensible wench, who knows very well how to box her compass. [Ibid.] 597: I’ll teach you to box the compass, my dear.
at box one’s/the compass (v.) under box, v.2
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 641: ‘Egad! ’tis my opinion, that if your covered way was laid open, few people would venture to give the assault.’ [...] ‘As for that matter,’ cried the other with precipitation, ‘they would have no occasion to batter in breach; they would find the angle of the la pucelle bastion demolished to their hands: he he!’.
at breach, n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 273: One or two graciosos, who, I will be bold to say, would scarce be able to earn their bread by their talents, on any other theatre under the sun.
at bread, n.1
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 393: Steer your course clear of all such brimstone bitches.
at brimstone, n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 335: He ran to his brother brush, and swore he was worthy of being a fellow-citizen of the immortal Rubens.
at brother (of the) brush (n.) under brother (of the)..., n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 745: The combatants were, in point of strength and agility, pretty equally matched; but the jailer had been regularly trained to the art of bruising.
at bruising, n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 572: He knew how to take care of his concerns, and would not suffer either him or them to bubble him out of one shilling.
at bubble, v.1
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 350: The company here were not so riotous as the Bucks of Covent-Garden.
at buck, n.1
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 358: His uncle [...] declared himself well satisfied with the young man’s addresses, and desired that they might be buckled with all expedition.
at buckle, v.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 686: The catchpole, rather than risque his carcase, consented to discharge the debt.
at catchpole, n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 48: When his companions drank to the Hans en kelder, or, Jack in the low cellar, he could not help displaying an extraordinary complacence of countenance.
at jack in the (low) cellar, n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 398: He complied with the dictates of love, and flew to the place where his charmer sat.
at charmer, n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 278: He did not value their cheese-toasters a pinch of oakum.
at cheese toaster (n.) under cheese, n.1
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 380: I vow to Gad! you look extremely shocking, with those gummy eyes, lanthorn jaws, and toothless chaps.
at chops, n.1
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 8: Being without the sphere of his vision, he securely pilfered his tobacco, drank his rumbo, made wry faces, and, to use the vulgar phrase, cocked his eye at him, to the no small entertainment of the spectators.
at cock one’s eye (v.) under cock, v.4
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 31: A tight, good humoured sensible wench, who knows very well how to box her compass; well trimmed aloft, and well sheathed alow, with a good commodity under her hatches.
at commodity, n.
[UK] Smollett Peregrine Pickle (1964) 725: Some falsified printed accounts, artfully cooked up, on purpose to mislead and deceive.
at cook up, v.
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