at Afghan, n.
at Afghan, n.
at afro, n.
at -age, sfx
at angel wings (n.) under angel, n.
at apple pie, adj.
at pain-in-the-ass, adj.
at ass-whipping, n.
at kick someone’s ass under ass, n.
at knock back, v.
at badness (n.) under bad, adj.
at bad boy, n.
at balls to the wall(s) under balls, n.
at Katy bar the door, phr.
at basket, n.1
at beaucoup, n.
at beeswax, n.2
at bells, n.1
at Big D, n.
at bitch slap, v.
at blondie, n.
at blow off, v.1
at boozed, adj.
at buck, n.1
at bull-goose (n.) under bull, n.1
at bum’s rush, n.
at funny business, n.
at bust someone’s ass (v.) under bust, v.1
at fat chance, n.
at charlie, n.2
at cheesehead, n.
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