1972 T. Stoppard Jumpers Act I: The last decent title left after Ryle bagged ‘The Concept of Mind’ and Archie bagged ‘The Problem of Mind’.at bag, v.
1972 T. Stoppard Jumpers Act I: The analyst went barking up the wrong tree.at bark up the wrong tree, v.
1972 T. Stoppard Jumpers Act I: ‘Mind your back!’ ‘Out the way!’ ‘Let the dog see the rabbit!’.at let the dog see the rabbit (v.) under dog, n.2
1972 T. Stoppard Jumpers Act I: As far as I’m concerned it’s got fruit-cake written all over it.at fruitcake, adj.
1972 T. Stoppard Jumpers Act I: He’s only missing in action, shot down behind the thin yellow lines of advancing Rad-Libs and getting himself together to go BOO!at get oneself together (v.) under together, adj.