1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 47: Police made rounds every night [...] armed with snarling, German shepherd K-9s.at K-9, n.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 110: He came to New York with one ace in the hole.at ace in the hole (n.) under ace, n.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 145: As I hit the avenue, I fall in step with a salt-and-pepper duo – one dread-headed Rasta, the other a hippie-haired blonde.at salt-and-pepper, adj.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 113: Suzi is a past-due tourist, a Brazilian national who came to visit the Apple and long overstayed the welcome her visa provided.at Apple, n.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 67: It was better to go inside with a ‘don’t-give-a-fuck’ badass rep preceding him.at bad-ass, adj.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (2011) [ebook] ‘Oh, balls to them,’ Barbara croaks, a bit of New Hampshire crustat the edgesof her voice.at balls to...! (excl.) under balls!, excl.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 156: Sodden barhoppers slouching along everywhere else.at bar-hop, v.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 12: Hustle up money, cop some stuff, beam up, and write. [Ibid.] 120: Suzi’s probably beamed up somewhere.at beam up, v.1
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 8: Panic that at any second someone or something is going to jump out of the darkness [...] and stomp the living shit out of me.at beat the shit out of, v.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 166: He [...] seems to have emerged with something more to hold onto than the bebop, gangsta hipsterism that passes for identity on the streets.at bebop, v.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 42: He may have a few million under his belt. But he is no snob.at under one’s belt under belt, n.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 112: He became a Big-Time Charlie at the soup kitchens.at big-time Charlie (n.) under big-time, adj.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 46: A spectacle that fairly rattled early-bird commuters.at early-bird, adj.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 244: We decided it’d be best to first purge ourselves of all temptation with one last big blowout [...] both of us being longtime veterans of the pipe.at blow-out, n.1
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 185: The blue-and-whites keep a constant, rolling vigil, scooping up the drunk, deranged, and dangerous.at blue-and-white (n.) under blue, adj.1
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 105: His PR man, a young, third-tier grunt trying to make his bones in a large firm.at make one’s bones (v.) under bone, n.1
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 49: Old timers, boozed-out winos, crashed-out crackheads.at boozed, adj.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 149: Ditty-bop, one-leg pumping, head-tilted-to-the-side step.at diddy-bop, n.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 163: His [...] presence tends to cast a pall over my nightly devotion to bug-eyed bacchanal.at bug-eyed, adj.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 109: The kind of repressed and lost little burg that squeezes the life out of you.at burg, n.1
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 48: Our sleeping niche under the stairs had long ago been busted.at bust, v.1
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 75: I ain’t bustin’ my ass for nobody.at bust one’s ass (v.) under bust, v.1
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 240: Convinced, in my buzzed-out brain, that all the people I passed on the street were clucking their tongues at me.at buzzed out, adj.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 124: Richard [...] triumphantly returns, clutching a check for seven grand, and hits me off with a C-note.at C-note, n.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 67: By the time Jersey hit ‘the cage’ – that little room in the court building where he’d be thrown together with a court-appointed lawyer [...] he’d be all theirs.at cage, n.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 124: Being in the can, it seems, was just the grist Richard needed for his muse.at can, n.1
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 232: Pataki also knows, as does every other give-’em-the-chair posturer, that dealing out death to the bad guys is an idea that resonates with a frustrated, edgy populace.at chair, the, n.
1998 L. Stringer Grand Central Winter (1999) 112: He became a Big-Time Charlie at the soup kitchen.at charlie, n.2