at Charley’s aunt!, excl.
at (you) bet your life! (excl.) under bet, v.
at nasty bit of work, n.
at grog blossom (n.) under blossom, n.2
at bobbish, adj.
at ditch, n.
at face fungus (n.) under face, n.
at poodle-faker, n.
at fat head, n.
at I’ll be jiggered! (excl.) under jigger, v.3
at rattletrap, n.
at salt horse (n.) under salt, n.3
at kick up a shindy (v.) under shindy, n.
at stern, n.
at stodge, n.
at try-on (n.) under try, v.
at wigs on the green (n.) under wig, n.2
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