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[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 27: ‘Dated her,’ I said. ‘You mean a little boom-boom?’ ‘Jig-jig,’ he said.
at jig-a-jig, n.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 279: Huxley sticking out like a sore thumb among the bellowing movie marquees, the clip joints and dives.
at stick out like a sore thumb, v.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 303: Boring? You have no idea. I used to look at Europe and think, Do me a favour!
at do me a favour, phr.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 172: He doesn’t care a damn about her.
at not give a damn, v.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 155: He [...] then pursed his lips at me in smart-alecky satisfaction.
at smart-aleck, adj.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 23: How can she do it to those poor so-and-so’s!
at so-and-so, n.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 225: The avaricious little so-and-so, ain’t she ever going to be satisfied?
at so-and-so, n.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 142: It’s a different ball game altogether.
at whole new ballgame (n.) under ballgame, n.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 135: He gave me the usual baloney about farmers with furrows on their faces.
at baloney, n.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 156: A man who had bamboozled a doting group of people with his lugubrious attentions.
at bamboozle, v.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 11: No one wanted me to go: afraid I’ll croak, barf on my shoes, faint on the plane.
at barf, v.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 17: He gave me that sideways glance again: She’s bats.
at bats, adj.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 50: Orthodox Jewish Boys, a small group of dark-eyed youngsters with beanies and side-curls.
at beanie, n.1
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 162: He got up and [...] went over to the beat-up camera.
at beat-up, adj.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 235: She was shaking her head and her mouth was set in a rueful little pucker. ‘It beats me.’.
at beats me! (excl.) under beat, v.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 159: Chilly little things that could not qualify as nudes since they didn’t have bellybuttons.
at belly button (n.) under belly, n.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 228: If his house caught fire you can bet your bottom dollar he’d come rushing out with an armload of his own negatives.
at bet one’s bottom dollar (v.) under bet, v.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 240: I said, ‘There’s something wrong, isn’t there?’ ‘You bet your boots there is!’.
at bet one’s boots (v.) under bet, v.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 104: My old biddy act calmed him down.
at biddy, n.2
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 258: You want a life study – the original birthday suit? Sorry, I’m in retirement. No pictures.
at birthday suit, n.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 49: Even if they had slobbered over every blessed picture in the place they would not have understood.
at blessed, adj.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 325: They [...] were not paying the blindest bit of attention to my pictures.
at blind, adj.2
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 213: The more Orlando kidded me about the bonanza at the Camera Club, and all those requests for photojournalism.
at bonanza, n.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 135: Most of those black pimps [...] looked like kings and princes of Bongo-land.
at bongo-(bongo) land (n.) under bongo, n.1
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 213: It is related to the grant, the fellowship, the endowment, and every other boondoggle associated with sugar-daddy creativity.
at boondoggle, n.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 88: He was bowled over by my photographs.
at bowl over, v.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 72: ‘You’ve got brass,’ he said.
at brass, n.1
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 36: They were all trying to buck me up.
at buck up, v.2
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 228: ‘Get off the bucket, I’m serious,’ I said.
at get off the bucket (v.) under bucket, n.
[UK] P. Theroux Picture Palace 140: I wonder what folks like that do on vacation. Probably tear open a six-pack and shoot the bull.
at shoot the bull (v.) under bull, n.6
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