at ace, n.
at ace, n.
at come across, v.
at smart-aleck, adj.
at have been around, v.
at go to bat (v.) under bat, v.
at beat (someone) out of (v.) under beat, v.
at hop bells (v.) under bell, n.1
at bonehead, n.1
at bootleg, adj.
at in the chips under chip, n.2
at choked, adj.
at clean up, v.
at craperoo (n.) under crap, n.1
at pure-d, adj.
at dick, n.5
at divvy, v.
at knock down, v.
at dreamboat, n.
at end, n.
at -eroo, sfx
at fast, adj.1
at put a/the freeze on (v.) under freeze, n.
at funny, adj.2
at to hell with...! (excl.) under hell, n.
at live high (v.) under high, adj.1
at high-tone, adj.
at hold-up, n.
at hooker, n.3
at horseshit, v.
at hot one, n.
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