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Dress Gray choose

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[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 425: None of it amounted to a hill of shit.
at hill of beans, a, phr.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 297: He becomes a regular gray-hog [...] That’s like a super-straight cadet [...] Gottlieb digs in, and he’s straight-arrow.
at straight-arrow, adj.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 249: The whole squad was down in the dumps, having performed poorly at parade and received a half-hour ass-chewing.
at ass-chewing (n.) under ass, n.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 301: You knew it was a goddamn game from the first day when that guy told you to drop your bags.
at bags, n.2
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 271: Hell, they probably bang sheep in his home county. Who knows?
at bang, v.1
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 268: She was downstairs in some room crying her little beadies out.
at beady, n.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 247: Every squad leader had his good guys, his averages, and his fuck-ups. In any squad, it would be three or four good beans, three or four take ’em or leave ’em beans, and a couple of dead-ahead fuck-ups. [Ibid.] 248: The squad fuck-ups, a pair of dufus beans.
at bean, n.2
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 175: You might not have the least idea what to expect ... what this bastard was going to uncork on your skinny shaking little beanhead ass.
at bean-head (n.) under bean, n.1
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 222: Yew think yew are some kinda hot shit, diddlyboppin’ in here outta high school, big hero.
at diddy-bop, v.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 363: He’ll bounce you out of here on an honor violation.
at bounce, v.1
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 485: I’ve bucked the system one way or another for three and a half years.
at buck, v.2
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 471: The butt-fucking and cock-sucking that went on.
at buttfuck, v.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 182: He didn’t expect Slaight to buy his line of reasoning.
at buy, v.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 178: A young lady answered the phone when we called earlier today. You’re gonna chow-down on this leave time, Mr. Sam. I can tell by the look on your face, you rascal.
at chow down, v.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 204: Jesus H. fuckin’ Christ.
at Jesus H. Christ!, excl.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 471: The butt-fucking and cock-sucking that went on.
at cocksucking, n.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 296: This guy in the company, a cow by the name of Ryder.
at cow, n.1
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 236: The air was peppered with words [...] smack, bean, crot, smackhead, beanhead.
at crot, n.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 488: ‘Goddamn-goddamn,’ said Leroy Buck.
at God-damn!, excl.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 247: In any squad, it would be three or four good beans, three or four take ’em or leave ’em beans, and a couple of dead-ahead fuck-ups.
at dead, adv.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 197: It was diddlyshit rumors and such.
at diddly-shit, adj.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 179: Hedges might be known among cadets as a dimbo. [Ibid.] 382: This dimbo major’s sitting there talking radio baby talk to his old lady.
at dimbo, n.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 360: Back in Nam [...] shit going off all around you, and dinks, fuckin’ dinks ...
at dink, n.2
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 401: ‘Nothing doing,’ she said.
at nothing doing, phr.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 434: A slogan Slaight had seen on the bumpers of VW buses outfitted for hippiedom.
at -dom, sfx
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 267: You’ve got quibbling fuckin’ down, is that it, Hand?
at have something down (v.) under down, adv.2
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 248: He had the shit down.
at down, adv.2
[US] L.K. Truscott Dress Gray (1979) 241: You’ve got exactly five minutes to get your fannies up to your rooms and into full dress.
at fanny, n.1
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 409: Take a fat guess.
at fat, adj.
[US] L.K. Truscott IV Dress Gray (1979) 437: ‘Oldest story in the book,’ she said. ‘Feisty old babe.’.
at feisty, adj.
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