1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 207: Importers [of drugs], big and important as they are, do not constitute the ultimate hierarchy of the traffic. There are others higher up still: the ‘C’s’, the so-called ‘Drug Barons’. [Ibid.] 207: A selection of ‘barons’ have been arrested spasmodically in recent years.at baron, n.
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 96: Well, old bean! Haven’t seen you since the Cannes Conference!at old bean (n.) under bean, n.2
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 81: A still worse condition is in America called ‘the bull horrors’, [...] that includes persecution mania.at bull horrors, n.2
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 90: They have come to favour rapid withdrawal or else the still more violent sudden and total denial (called ‘cold turkey’).at cold turkey, n.
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 118: Dopers, of both sexes, will tell you what a wonderful aphrodisiac their stuff is.at doper, n.1
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 102: One can get the stuff so easily from Marseilles, and draw and puff immune from interference.at draw, v.3
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 46: Now an instructed Bowery and Loop clamoured for this variety of ‘happy dust’ as possessing double the kick of ‘coke’.at happy dust (n.) under happy, adj.
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 111: The women can go quite mad [...] on the other hand, some cases develop contrary symptoms, just getting heavy and bemused.at heavy, adj.
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 195: ‘Helldust’, ‘coke’, ‘the needles’ [...] all are of American origin.at hell dust (n.) under hell, n.
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 195: ‘Helldust’, ‘coke’, ‘the needles’ ‘honeymoon stage’ [...] all are of American origin.at honeymoon (stage), n.
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 195: ‘Helldust’, ‘coke’, ‘the needles’, ‘honeymoon stage’, ‘Having an edge’, ‘bull horrors’, ‘the leaps’ [...] all are of American origin.at leaps, n.
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 104: Modern lovelies and their queer escorts smoking opium off Juan-les-Pins.at lovely, n.
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 195: ‘Helldust’, ‘coke’, ‘the needles’ [...] all are of American origin.at needle, n.
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 196: The first international drug conference [...] was at Shanghai, and it led to a Hague successor in 1912 – perhaps the most useful drug pow-wow yet convened.at pow-wow, n.
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 84: Many of the poorer cases will just slit the vein open with a safety pin and absorb the drug from an eye-dropper (the ‘pin-shot’).at pin shot (n.) under shot, n.1
1934 F. Tuohy Inside Dope 97: Well, I won’t say it exactly does you good, but if you go to a clinic now and then to get straightened out you escape the worst [...] A three weeks’ disintoxication or ‘straightening out’, minimum period, and not a cure but merely a cleansing of the system, will be undertaken against a fee of four to five thousand francs.at straighten, v.2