1697 Vanbrugh Relapse V ii: He’s half way up the Stairs taking Breath; he must play his Bellows a little, before he can get up to the top.at bellows, n.
1697 Vanbrugh Relapse IV iii: I suppose you are clear – you’d never play such a trick as this else.at clear, adj.1
1697 Vanbrugh Relapse IV i: My lord, she has had him upon the hip these seven years .at on the hip under hip, n.3
1697 Vanbrugh Relapse III iii: Young men are hot I know, but they don’t boil over at that rate neither; besides my Wench’s Wedding-Gown is not come home yet.at hot, adj.
1697 Vanbrugh Relapse II i: There is my Lady Tattle, my Lady Prate, and my Lady Titter, my Lady Leer, my Lady Giggle, and my Lady Grin.at Miss, n.
1697 Vanbrugh Relapse i, 2: Ah, you young, hot, lusty thief, let me muzzle you (Kisses him).at muzzle, v.
1697 Vanbrugh Relapse III i: It shew such a monstrous pair of Cheeks, stap my Vitals.at stap my vitals!, excl.
1697 Vanbrugh Relapse II i: There’s very few of them ever get farther than a Bow and an Ogle.at ogle, n.