Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Rural dialect of Grant County, Indiana, in the ’nineties choose

Quotation Text

[US] (con. 1890s) W.L. McAtee Dial. Grant County (IN) Supplement 1 n.p.: Ass end foremost [...] backwards [DARE].
at ass-end-to under ass, n.
[US] (con. 1890s) W.L. McAtee Dial. Grant County (IN) Suppl 2: Ass-backwards [...] Extravagance for backwards.
at ass-backwards under ass, n.
[US] (con. 1890s) W.L. McAtee Dial. Grant County (IN) Supplement 2: Ass-sucker [...] bootlicker, toady.
at ass-sucker (n.) under ass, n.
[US] (con. 1890s) W.L. McAtee Dial. Grant County (IN) Supplement 3: Cocksucker, n. Could be either sex operating on either sex. Also used as a term of reprobation not to be understood literally.
at cocksucker, n.
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