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The Acid House choose

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[Scot] I. Welsh ‘Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 276: I was struggling with the acid as well [...] These Supermarios, fuck me the whole world could be a hallucination.
at acid, n.1
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 209: You’re a bit of a smart [...] A smart alec. You think you know all the answers.
at smart aleck, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Soft Touch’ in Acid House 47: Hell, what a pain in the arse that gave us.
at give someone a pain in the arse (v.) under pain in the arse, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘Eurotrash’ in Acid House 13: Did it really matter what indistinct shite-arsed towns [...] I was dragged through.
at shit-ass, adj.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 201: Knocked back by his girlfriend.
at knock back, v.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 247: There are times, sure, when the bag just needs to be emptied.
at empty the bag (v.) under bag, n.1
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Soft Touch’ in Acid House 46: She came in the other day, intae the pub, while ah was oan the bandit like.
at bandit, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 239: Some Mars bar you’ve got yourself there, man.
at Mars bar, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘Eurotrash’ in Acid House 30: She bought some barbs, took them.
at barbs, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 185: – Stoat the baw. [...] – Ah heard that the lassie was sixteen.
at stoat-the-baw, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘The Shooter’ in Acid House 8: The cunt beasted little Lisa [...] made her go down on him.
at beast, v.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 235: Hobo was a namby-pamby blouse.
at big girl’s blouse (n.) under big, adj.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘The Two Philosophers’ Acid House 116: If the handshake is right he [i.e. a policeman] will let the Billy go and slap the Tim around a bit.
at Billy, n.1
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 207: I’m on the black, auld Harry sniggers.
at black, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘Stoke Newington Blues’ in Acid House 36: All they deal in is blow.
at blow, n.3
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ Acid House 212: Me, Roxy and The path were up at Sidney’s flat having a blow.
at blow, n.3
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 186: Well worth a fiver. [...] come oan. Bet ye a blue one.
at blue one (n.) under blue, adj.1
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Blockage in the System’ in Acid House 79: Doon at the flats it’s really fuckin boggin.
at bogging, adj.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘Stoke Newington Blues’ in Acid House 37: Hey brother, you hang around with this trash, you get what comes around to you.
at brother, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 241: The wee buftie immediately springs up to the bar.
at buftie, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘VAT ’96’ in Acid House 45: She was running around like a [...] blue-arsed fly.
at buzz around like a blue-arsed fly (v.) under buzz, v.1
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘Stoke Newington Blues’ in Acid House 37: We got the world’s first black canary chirping away twenty to the dozen next door.
at canary, n.1
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘Wayne Foster’ in Acid House 82: They fuck casuals. No interested in the fitba, these cunts.
at casual, n.2
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 207: How could anybody fail with chat-up lines like that?
at chat-up, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 258: He has a small, stumpy cock, the kind that is practically all cherry.
at cherry, n.1
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 249: I [...] go to the appropriate store rather than just go somewhere and chory for chorying’s sake.
at chore, v.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 246: Whenever thir’s collies involved friendships go oot the windae, ken?
at collies, n.
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘Stoke Newington Blues’ in Acid House 38: We’re all white men. Do time for some bleeding Congo? Wise up, Jock.
at congo, n.2
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘The Granton Star Cause’ in Acid House 130: Ye hud the power tae git oot fae under yir ma n dad’s feet, so’s they could have a decent cowp in piece.
at cop, n.2
[Scot] I. Welsh ‘A Smart Cunt’ in Acid House 219: Veitchy [...] draws glasses and a Hitler moustache on Ronnie’s coupon.
at coupon, n.
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