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Lusty Juventus choose

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[UK] R. Wever Lusty Juventus Eii: I wyll trill the bones while I haue one grote, And when there is no more inke in the pen, I will make shift as well as other men.
at bones, n.1
[UK] R. Wever Lusty Juventus in Dodsley II (1874) 84: By dog’s precious wounds, that was some whoreson villain.
at dog, n.1
[UK] R. Wever Lusty Juventus Diii: Yea, by Gods foote that I wyll be busy.
at God’s foot! (excl.) under God, n.1
[UK] R. Wever Lusty Juventus Dii: I loue him the better by gods precious bones. [Ibid.] Diii: [....] By gods precious wounds it was som horson villain.
at God, n.1
[UK] R. Wever Lusty Juventus Dii: I will neuer eate meate that shall do me good Till I haue cut his flesh by gogs precious blood.
at gog, n.
[UK] R. Wever Lusty Juventus Ciiii: Let me see your portus, gentle syr John.
at Sir John, n.
[UK] R. Wever Lusty Juventus Eii: I wyll trill the bones while I haue one grote, And when there is no more inke in the pen, I will make shift as well as other men.
at pen, n.1
[UK] R. Wever Lusty Juventus in Dodsley II (1874) 92: And, when there is no more ink in the pen, / I will make shift, as well as other men.
at have no ink in one’s pen (v.) under pen, n.1
[UK] R. Wever Lusty Juventus Diiii: What a hurly-burly is here Smicke smacke and all this geare, You would to ticke tacke I feare If you had tyme.
at tick-tack, n.1
[UK] R. Wever Lusty Juventus Diii: Tell me I pray you who it was And I wyll trim the knaue by the blessed mas.
at trim, v.
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