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No. 5 John Street choose

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[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 82: This time it is a wrangling discussion in the backyard between ’48 and a tailor on the premises, who, in public life, it appears, is the ninth of a Conservative working-man.
at ninth part of a man, n.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 218: If I ever ketch yer messin’ abaht wi’ any o’ them, I’ll sling ’im one in the eye.
at mess about, v.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 221: ‘We represent the Musselbry branch o’ the Slav’ry Sersiety,’ says a sort of Amen-curler, as was at the ’ead on ’em.
at amen-curler (n.) under amen, n.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 41: I heard that old cure lettin’ out at the aristocracy arter I had floored the bloke.
at let out (at), v.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 92: Never ’ad no father to speak of. Kind o’ bachelor’s biby, you know.
at bachelor’s baby (n.) under bachelor, n.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 108: ‘Bag o’ mystery’ is the recognised equivalent for a saveloy.
at bag of mystery (n.) under bag, n.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 214: Cooks sittin’up all the blessed time to get it ready for ’im [...] If it warn’t ready, he give the shove to the ’ole shoot.
at whole bang shoot, n.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 77: They earn half-pence by well-told ‘bangers.’ They are sent out to lie to the grocer.
at banger, n.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 210: I darkly hint at ‘a barney’ in the provinces.
at barney, n.2
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 261: ‘Did she pay for the flowers?’ ‘Wanted to, but I mean to do this bit off my own bat.’.
at off one’s own bat (adv.) under bat, n.2
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 214: ‘D’ye call that goin’ on the batter?’ I kin fancy ’im sayin’, when the other was braggin’ o’ one of ’is larks.
at batter, n.3
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 250: To-night is the bean-feast of the ‘hands,’ of the myriads in collar.
at beanfeast (n.) under bean, n.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 288: Go it, Tom Thumb! give ’im beans.
at give someone beans (v.) under beans, n.2
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 181: He is always like that. Rum beggar!
at beggar, n.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 294: You blued everythink, ’cept the gold what’s in yer ’art.
at blew, v.2
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 37: Mind your own bloomin’ business, or I’ll give yer a shove in the eye.
at blooming, adj.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 54: A lord once – swelp me lucky I ain’t tellin’ yer no lie!
at s’elp me bob!, excl.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 20: They’ll try and bounce yer into payin’ for advice if they can.
at bounce, v.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 275: Nance has seen the doctor, and the truth is out. She is being slowly poisoned to earn her bread.
at bread, n.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 53: She wants yer to show up at a sort o’ bun struggle in ’er room.
at bun-struggle (n.) under bun, n.3
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 216: tilda: ‘Where’s the Collynies?’ low covey (decisively): ‘Other sahd o’ the sea. Reg’lar bunch of ’em.’.
at bunch, n.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 86: Cakes made in the form of hearts, and a formidable kind of bun which here circulates under the name of burster.
at burster, n.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 68: Wish I may die, if I’d larf; and if I didn’t, I should have to bust.
at bust, v.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 147: The meeting dissolves into worldly buzz.
at buzz, n.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 218: Git out, yer blessed little cake. What do you know about foriners?
at cake, n.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 229: Who can jaw a copper like Tilda, or carney a Covent Garden salesman out of a bargain?
at carney, v.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 213: Oh carry me out, an’ let me die!
at carry me out (and bury me decently)! (excl.) under carry, v.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 230: She dislikes the ‘’aughty and overbearin’ ways’ [...] of the ‘young cats’ at the counter.
at cat, n.1
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 220: The way that gal Nance kin do it is a puffeck caution to me.
at caution, n.
[UK] R. Whiteing No. 5 John Street 259: If they cheek ’er, she’s sure to give it back agin.
at cheek, v.1
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