1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 25: He would never let the air out of a friend.at let the air out of (v.) under air, n.
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 84: For the sake of melodrama, that hot-air artist would call his own brother a rapist.at hot-air artist (n.) under hot air, n.
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 85: ‘They’re the best,’ Georgia said, stringing her companion along.at string (along), v.
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 57: These married apples, they want you to punish them for enjoying it.at apple, n.1
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 59: He was dragging his axle in waltz time.at drag one’s axle (v.) under axle, n.
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 12: Some girls get a bang out of violence. They can’t enjoy it if they’re not roughed up.at get a bang (out of) (v.) under bang, n.1
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 26: I crept up the stairs, and barrelled across the backyard.at barrel, v.2
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 134: And what about those beakels [sic] downstairs? [...] they’d fink on their own mother.at beagle, n.
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 25: Run Meg to the airport to catch her plane. You can take the Benz.at Benz, n.
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 43: Never before had he put the blocks to a fuzz’s hotsy.at put the blocks to (v.) under block, n.1
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 24: What’s biting me is, I can’t blow the joint tonight, Meg.at blow the joint (v.) under blow, v.1
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 75: They said a lot of bobby soxers carried on as if they had a direct line to him in heaven.at bobby soxer, n.
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 12: Some of them are knocked into the middle of next week because their old man is boiled.at boiled, adj.
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 28: Can’t we all give one another a break?at give someone/something a break (v.) under break, n.1
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 59: For this one time, we’ll have another Arthur Garrett to buffalo the fuzz.at buffalo, v.
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 87: Not to any of the homes where he was welcome to bunk. He had no room of his own.at bunk, v.2
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 37: He liked to give them the business in full daylight.at give someone the business (v.) under business, n.
1959 A. Zugsmith Beat Generation 121: But I’d never crack a book. I’d be downstairs in the Pad every night.at crack the books (v.) under crack, v.2