Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Pedagogical Seminary choose

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[US] Pedagogical Seminary 5 374: I’ll be [...] dad fetched, dad binged, dad snatched, dod gasted.
at dod-bimmed (adj.) under dod, n.1
[US] Pedagogical Seminary 10 377/1: For Pete’s sake.
at for Pete’s sake!, excl.
[US] Pedagogical Seminary Mar. 96: ‘Bonehead’...‘you carp,’ ‘you’re off your perch.’ .
at carp, n.
[US] Pedagogical Seminary XI 437: The place where liquor is sold is a devil’s house, a gargle factory, a roosting-ken, an O-be-joyful works.
at oh-be-joyful works (n.) under o-be-joyful, n.
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