1706 Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom 2: As for you / If Night and Morning some small matter do; / You think you’ve done your due Benevolence, / When I with thrice your Labour can dispence.at benevolence, n.
1706 Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom (2004) 73: Fearing Combing with a Three-Legg’d Stool; I fairly went to Sleep again.at comb someone’s hair (v.) under comb, v.
1706 Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom 1: Alas they had no other Business at Church than to meet their Gallants, who presently coaches ’em, because they dearly love Jolting.at jolt, v.
1706 Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom 5: Old Flesh she Loath’d, as having in it left / No Gravy, and all of all it’s Juice bereft.at juice, n.1
1706 Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom 6: Besides good Peck and Booze, so till she’s Dead, / She may and will Whore on to get me Bread.at peck and booze (n.) under peck, n.1
1706 Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom 5: Meantime a Rubbers she with some had play’d, / And in the Powd’ring Tub was quickly laid.at powdering tub, n.
1706 Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom 6: To have her full / Of sport, she’s run away a Soldier’s Trull.at sport, n.
1706 Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom 6: To have her full / Of sport, she’s run away a Soldier’s Trull.at trull, n.
1706 Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom 5: But my Dear Wife, in turning up her Tail / To bear the Threshing of her Gallant’s Frail.at turn up (one’s) tail (v.) under turn up, v.1