Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ choose

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[UK] J. Howell Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ (1907) 18: I could not recover your diamond Hatband, which the Picaroon snatched from you in the Coach, tho’ I used all Means Possible .
at picaroon, n.
[UK] J. Howell i in Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ 17: Go, teach your grandam tо sard, a Nottingham proverb.
at sard, v.
[UK] J. Howell Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ (1907) 187: T. T. drank your health yesternight, and wished you could send him a handsome Venetian Courtesan inclos’d in a Letter, he would willingly be at the charge of the postage, which he thinkes would not be much for such a light commodity.
at commodity, n.
[UK] J. Howell letter in Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ (7 edn, 1705) 262: I thank you for the good opinion you please to have of my fancy of trees: it is a maiden one, and not blown upon by any yet .
at blow, v.1
[UK] J. Howell letter in Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ (1907) 163: She took a mouthfull of claret, and spouted it into the poope of the hollow bird.
at poop, n.1
[UK] J. Howell letter in Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ (1650) II 40: Your last you sent me was from Genoa, where you write that [...] ‘Husbands get their wives with child a hundred miles off’[...] In Venice there also such things are done by proxy, while the husband is abroad upon the Gallies, ther be others that shoot his gulf at home .
at shoot the gulf (v.) under shoot, v.
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