1897 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 19 Nov. 4/3: He is a plain man of the plain people, not given to [...] aping the flim-flammery of monarchical misrule.at flimflammery (n.) under flim-flam, n.
1914 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 10 Mar. 2/1: [cartoon caption] I knew a jasbo once who read that a chap getting paid $5,000 damages for being struck by an auto and thinking it was easy money he tried it.at jazzbo, n.
1915 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 10 May 2/5: ‘For Pete’s sake! Much of the back porch?’ gasped Mr. Townsend.at for Pete’s sake!, excl.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Rock of Ages: Any woman over 30 years of age.at rock of ages, n.1
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (lL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Airdale: A Homely man.at airedale, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Apple sauce: Flattery.at apple sauce, n.2
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] His blue serge: His sweetheart.at blue serge (n.) under blue, adj.1
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Cake-basket: A limousine.at cake basket (n.) under cake, n.1
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Cancelled stamp: A wall flower.at cancelled stamp, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Cellar-smeller: Prohibition enforcement officer.at cellar-smeller (n.) under cellar, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Crubber: One who always borrows cigarettes.at crubber, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Cuddie-cootie: Young man who takes girl riding on a bus or in a Ford.at cuddie, n.1
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Dipe-ducat: A subway ticket.at dipe-ducat, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Edisoned: Being asked a lot of questions.at edison, v.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Embalmer: A bootlegger.at embalmer, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Face Stretcher: Old maid who tries to look young.at face stretcher (n.) under face, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Father Time: Any man over 30 years of age.at father time (n.) under father, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Finale-hopper: Young man who arrives after everything is paid for.at finale hopper, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Fire-Alarm: A divorced woman.at fire-alarm (n.) under fire, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Fluky: Funny, odd, peculiar, different.at fluky, adj.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Hand cuff: Engagement ring.at handcuff (n.) under hand, n.1
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Hen coop: A beauty parlor.at hen-coop (n.) under hen, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Feathers: Light conversation.at horsefeathers, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Walk in: Young man who goes to party without being invited.at walk-in, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Dog Kennels: Pair of Shoes.at dog kennels (n.) under kennel, n.2
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Lemon-squeezer: Subway car.at lemon-squeezer (n.) under lemon, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Munitions: Face Powder and rouge.at munitions, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Mustard Plaster: Unwelcome guy who sticks around.at mustard plaster (n.) under mustard, n.
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dict.: [...] Noodle juice: Tea.at noodle juice (n.) under noodle, n.1
1922 Edwardsville Intelligencer (IL) 14 Sept. 4/4: The Flappers’ Dictionary [...] Nosebaggery: A restaurant.at nosebaggery, n.