Green’s Dictionary of Slang
in Journal Hist. Sexuality V 593: Fourteen young men were invited [...] with the premise that they would have the opportunity of meeting some of the prominent ‘queers,’ [...] and the further attraction that some ‘chickens’ as the new recruits in the vice are called, would be chicken, n.
in Journal Hist. Sexuality V. 595: [The defendant is] said to have to practiced the infamy for more than nine years, being one who will ‘go down’ on another or will himself willingly and gladly submit to the outrage. ... I have seen men ... at a function of that kind ... go around on their knees to various other persons present and attempt to ‘go down’ on them right before the crowd and seemingly they have no shame about go down, v.
Journal Hist. Sexuality V 593: Fourteen young men were invited [...] with the premise that they would have the opportunity of meeting some of the prominent ‘queers,’ [...] and the further attraction that some ‘chickens’ as the new recruits in the vice are called, would be queer, n.
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