2008 K.F. Bartolo in Pragmatics & Intercultural Comms 19: What is boganish? Boganish? Mm: when people just slop around and they don’t really care.at boganish (adj.) under bogan, n.
2008 K.F. Bartolo in Pragmatics & Intercultural Comms 13: The stereotype of a bogan is tight black jeans [...] a mullet 12 or a shaved head and a love of beer and cars.at bogan, n.
2008 K.F. Bartolo in Pragmatics & Intercultural Comms 14: I don’t know what these half-literate bogan, bush pig expressions mean. They make us sound so cheap and uneducated.at bushpig (n.) under bush, n.1
2008 K.F. Bartolo in Pragmatics & Intercultural Comms 13: Chuck a sickie and jump in the ute.at throw a sickie (v.) under sickie, n.1
2008 K.F. Bartolo in Pragmatics & Intercultural Comms 14: Australians have an affection for bogans that is not reflected in North America’s loathing of trailer trash.at trailer trash (n.) under trailer, n.3