Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Newcastle Guardian & Tyne Mercury choose

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[UK] Newcastle Guardian 20 Aug. 3/3: The chaplain remarked that their knowledge chiefly referred to the mysteries of ‘wee pawns,’ ‘thimblerigging’ and ‘prick the garter’.
at prick the garter (n.) under prick, v.2
[UK] Newcastle Guardian 23 July 8/1: That rum cove d’ye twig [...] It is the Earl-King with his Book and his School.
at rum-cove (n.) under rum, adj.
[UK] Newcastle Guardian 23 July 3/5: Saturday was the roughest night, in the drinking way, which has been experienced in Glasgow for a long time [...] the enture population of Glasgow was ‘spiflicated’.
at spiflicated, adj.
[UK] Newcastle Guardian 7 Apr. 3/3: [headline] The Simon Pure of the Journal.
at simon pure, n.
[UK] Newcastle Guardian 12 Apr. 1/1: How the New Coat of glory is spoiled by bad shears [...] Had Lord Pam and his ‘whip-the-cat’ show they were wise, / And employed Grey-street’s chiefs to have ta’en Sandy’s size.
at whip-the-cat, n.
[UK] Newcastle Guardian 12 Apr. 1/1: He cut it too small, so he spoiled it — the goat!
at goat, n.1
[UK] Newcastle Guardian 8 Oct. 8/3: They promised him £30 for his vote, but got him ‘fuddled’.
at fuddled, adj.
[UK] Newcastle Guardian 5 Jan. 8/4: Both running at a clipping pace.
at clipping, adj.1
[UK] Newcastle Guardian 26 Oct. 2/3: Their brains foggy and dazed with the fumes of whisky.
at foggy, adj.
[UK] Newcastle Guardian 20 July 4/1: Yankees are ‘vamoosing’ to another, and, let us hope, a better world.
at vamoose, v.
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