1853 Newcastle Guardian 20 Aug. 3/3: The chaplain remarked that their knowledge chiefly referred to the mysteries of ‘wee pawns,’ ‘thimblerigging’ and ‘prick the garter’.at prick the garter (n.) under prick, v.2
1853 Newcastle Guardian 23 July 8/1: That rum cove d’ye twig [...] It is the Earl-King with his Book and his School.at rum-cove (n.) under rum, adj.
1853 Newcastle Guardian 23 July 3/5: Saturday was the roughest night, in the drinking way, which has been experienced in Glasgow for a long time [...] the enture population of Glasgow was ‘spiflicated’.at spiflicated, adj.
1856 Newcastle Guardian 12 Apr. 1/1: How the New Coat of glory is spoiled by bad shears [...] Had Lord Pam and his ‘whip-the-cat’ show they were wise, / And employed Grey-street’s chiefs to have ta’en Sandy’s size.at whip-the-cat, n.
1859 Newcastle Guardian 8 Oct. 8/3: They promised him £30 for his vote, but got him ‘fuddled’.at fuddled, adj.
1867 Newcastle Guardian 26 Oct. 2/3: Their brains foggy and dazed with the fumes of whisky.at foggy, adj.
1872 Newcastle Guardian 20 July 4/1: Yankees are ‘vamoosing’ to another, and, let us hope, a better world.at vamoose, v.