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A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away choose

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[Scot] C. Brookmyre A Big Boy Did It And Ran Away 67: Ants in their pants because someone mentioned the Bogeyman.
at ants in one’s pants under ants, n.
[Scot] C. Brookmyre A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away 8: You could bet they weren’t fantasising about being a family-man wage-serf while they burned rubber.
at burn rubber, v.
[Scot] C. Brookmyre A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away 5: An absolute fanny. Risking his life in an attempt to overtake before the crawler lane ends.
at fanny, n.1
[Scot] C. Brookmyre A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away 74: ‘Aye, that’s gallus,’ was the impressed consensus.
at gallows, adj.
[Scot] C. Brookmyre A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away 20: Would they rather open your neat, shiny briefcase than the forbiddingly grubby overnight bag of the eye-stingingly sweaty gut-bucket ahead of you.
at gutbucket, n.2
[Scot] C. Brookmyre A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away 8: Drinking becks makes him cooler than the bloke standing next to him with a pint of heavy.
at heavy wet, n.
[Scot] C. Brookmyre A Big Boy Did It And Ran Away 20: They didn’t want to get too fresh in case you took the huff.
at take (the) huff (v.) under huff, n.
[Scot] C. Brookmyre A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away 9: A frontwoman who was blond with legs all the way up to her head.
at legs (right/all the way) up (to her ass) under leg, n.
[Scot] C. Brookmyre A Big Boy Did It And Ran Away 63: No paymaster on that occasion, no Looney-Tunes collectively trumpeting their responsibility.
at looney tune, n.
[Scot] C. Brookmyre A Big Boy Did It and Ran Away 9: At least you had to give the Scans credit for having sussed that this was the only recipe viable for export.
at Scan, n.
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