Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Examen de ingenios : the examination of mens wits : in which by discovering the varietie of natures is shewed for what profession each one is apt, and how far he shall profit therein choose

Quotation Text

[UK] R. Carew (trans.) Huarte’s Examination of Men’s Wits 209: They might soundly sleepe on his eyes, although by nature he were a baggage.
at baggage, n.
[UK] R. Carew (trans.) Huarte’s Examination of Men’s Wits 317: If he shew blockish and vntoward, we inferre, that he was formed of the seed of his mother.
at blockish (adj.) under block, n.1
[UK] R. Carew (trans.) Huarte’s Examination of Men’s Wits 279: Of a 1000 such capons who addict themselues to their booke, none attaineth to any perfection, and euen in musicke (which is their ordinarie profession).
at capon, n.
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