Green’s Dictionary of Slang
E. Townsend ‘The Reward of Merit’ in Near a Whole City Full 172: Then he was tried at other work; piloting ‘come-ons’ to the city, steering them to the turning come-on, n.
E. Townsend ‘The Reward of Merit’ in Near a Whole City Full 164: I’m staked out here for Billy. He’s got a come-on from New Jersey that I’m to steer to the turning joint. Mike Golden’s place was a headquarters for ‘green-goods’ swindlers [...] where victims exchanged good money for waste turning joint, n.
E. Townsend ‘The House of Yellow Brick’ Near a Whole City Full 184: I feel terrible like a pipe now [...] no, I won’t smoke, or get ratty if you’ll ratty, adj.
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