Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Selected Letters of P.T. Barnum choose

Quotation Text

[US] P.T. Barnum letter in Saxon Sel. Letters (1983) 16: You generously advanced that ‘bitch’ $12.
at bitch, n.1
[US] P.T. Barnum letter in Saxon Sel. Letters (1983) 8 Mar. 16: But don’t eat a fellow up now without giving him a chance for his life.
at eat up, v.
[US] P.T. Barnum Letter in Saxon Sel. Letters (1983) 20 Mar. 17: The ‘bitch’ appears tonight for the first time. I reckon she’ll make a hit.
at hit, n.
[US] P.T. Barnum letter in Saxon Sel. Letters (1983) 29 July 25: I have hired the ‘Bell Ringers’ at a roaring price.
at roaring, adj.
[US] P.T. Barnum letter in Saxon Sel. Letters (1983) 26 Aug. 34: I (don’t) pay a d----d sou for the theatre!
at sou, n.
[US] P.T. Barnum letter in Saxon Sel. Letters (1983) 16 Aug. 45: Not Mercer St., as the entrance is in B-way.
at B-way, n.
[US] P.T. Barnum letter in Saxon Sel. Letters (1983) 24 Sept. 49: No man ever fought harder for his bread.
at bread, n.1
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