1878 W.S. Gilbert H.M.S. Pinafore 7: Bad language or abuse / I never, never use, / Whatever the emergency, / Though ‘Bother it,’ I may / Occasionally say, / I never use a big, big D—.at bother!, excl.
1878 W.S. Gilbert H.M.S. Pinafore 7: Bad language or abuse / I never, never use, / Whatever the emergency, / Though ‘Bother it,’ I may / Occasionally say, / I never use a big, big D—.at D, n.1
1878 W.S. Gilbert H.M.S. Pinafore Act I: I’ve chickens and conies, and pretty polonies .at polony, n.1
1878 W.S. Gilbert H.M.S. Pinafore 3: I’ve treacle and toffee, and excellent coffee, / Soft tommy, and succulent chops.at soft tommy (n.) under tommy, n.2