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Chicago: City on the Make choose

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[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 40: The Cap yanks him forward [...] and raps him a smashing banneger in the teeth.
at banneger, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 25: The bumboat pirate called Black Jack Yattaw.
at bum-boat, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 67: The swifter type thief approach their work with the same lofty hope of [...] making a fast buck.
at fast buck, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 48: Can I keep my job if I bum-rap some people for you?
at bum rap, v.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 70: The jungle hiders come softly forth: geeks and gargoyles, old blow winos, sour stewbums and grinning ginsoaks.
at stew bum, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 26: Fancy Tom O’Brien, the King of the Bunco Men.
at bunco man (n.) under bunco, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 71: Whiskey-heads and hop-heads, old cokey-joes.
at cokey, adj.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 27: He’d paid fifty cents in cold cash for every vote he’d bought.
at cold, adj.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 74: For [...] stylish coneroos, this is the spot.
at coneroo, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 70: The jungle hiders come softly forth: geeks and gargoyles, old blow winos, sour stewbums and grinning ginsoaks, young dingbats.
at dingbat, n.7
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 26: By the time Hinky Dink Kenna came along.
at hinky-dinky, adj.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 71: Under the torn and sagging ties of the long-blasted El.
at el, n.1
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 67: The swifter-type thief approach their work with the same lofty hope of slipping a fast one over on everyody.
at slip a fast one (over) (v.) under fast one, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 70: The jungle hiders come softly forth: geeks and gargoyles, old blow winos, sour stewbums and grinning ginsoaks.
at gin-soak (n.) under gin, n.4
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 72: When it come to Democracy they had to take our brand [...] The goon squads saw to that.
at goon squad (n.) under goon, n.1
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 57: Find them out for yourself, greyboy.
at gray boy (n.) under gray, adj.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 88: Joe Felso doesn’t trouble his pointy little head.
at pointy-head, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 76: Be in court with it [police bribe] at nine tomorrow or we’ll pick you up without it ’n fit you for a jacket.
at fit someone for a jacket (v.) under jacket, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 70: The jungle hiders come softly forth: geeks and gargoyles, old blow winos, sour stewbums and grinning ginsoaks.
at jungle, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 88: A left-hander’s wind [...] rolling the summer’s last straw kelly across second into center.
at kelly, n.3
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 71: The last survivors cook up the earth’s final mulligan.
at mulligan, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 79: Town of the blind and crippled newsies.
at newsie, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 76: Any good burglar with a sheet a foot long can buy a pass at a C-note per sheet.
at sheet, n.
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 32: Old soaks’ goat’s nests, backstreet brothels.
at soak, n.1
[US] N. Algren Chicago: City On the Make 67: Wise up, Jim.
at wise up, v.
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