1934 J. Kofoed ‘Another Little Drink’ in All-America Sports Mag. Feb. 🌐 Most of the kids are Hollywood virgins, who smoke cigarettes, drink gin, and stay out all night.at Hollywood, adj.
1934 Jack Kofoed ‘Another Little Drink’ in All-America Sports Mag. Feb. 🌐 The boss gave us the office to get working.at give (someone) the office (v.) under office, n.
1934 J. Kofoed ‘Another Little Drink’ in All-America Sports Mag. Feb. 🌐 He was pickled to the eyebrows.at pickled, adj.
1934 J. Kofoed ‘Another Little Drink’ All-America Sports Mag. Feb. 🌐 I heard you’d been tootin’ up after winning yesterday’s game.at toot up (v.) under toot, n.1
1934 J. Kofoed ‘Another Little Drink’ in All-America Sports Mag. Feb. 🌐 One of the newspapermen had bought a gallon of white mule.at white mule (n.) under white, adj.
1937 C. Pifer ‘Executioner’ in All-America Sports Mag. Jan. [Internet] When do we get a chance at your prize pushover after we take care of that old punchin’ bag?.at punching bag, n.
1937 C. Pifer ‘Executioner’ in All-America Sports Mag. Jan. 🌐 He didn’t have no stomach to go bloodin’ folks.at blood, v.
1937 C. Pifer ‘Executioner’ in All-America Sports Mag. Jan. 🌐 If he does out your man in the first, we get a crack at Trombone Johnson.at do out, v.
1937 C. Pifer ‘Executioner’ in All-America Sports Mag. Jan. 🌐 You wouldn’t mind beatin’ the ears off that Johnson guy, would you, black boy?at knock the ears off (v.) under ear, n.1
1937 C. Pifer ‘Executioner’ in All-America Sports Mag. Jan. 🌐 Trombone’s out of the ham-and-egg class now. He’s sure to be the next heavyweight champ.at ham-and-egg(s) (adj.) under ham, n.1
1937 C. Pifer ‘Executioner’ in All-America Sports Mag. Jan. 🌐 There’s a colored girl outside says she wants to see Rufus.’ ‘Tell her to go fly a kite.’.at go fly a kite! (excl.) under kite, n.
1937 C. Pifer ‘Executioner’ in All-America Sports Mag. Jan. 🌐 I’ll kick her nervy royal out o’ here.at royal, n.1