1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 65: I once had a patient [...] who had given birth to fourteen little ankle-biters.at ankle-biter (n.) under ankle, n.
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 110: Ah find that ah sho’ nuff can find out a lot about you humans by watchin yo’ boob tube.at boob tube (n.) under boob, n.2
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 189: They were now as ready as they would ever be for the go-for-broke attempt.at go-for-broke, adj.
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 51: We’ve got some bugs to work out, but the project is going pretty well.at bug, n.4
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 183: Suddenly the dangdest mess of radio and radar antennas blossomed out on the deck of that sub.at danged, adj.
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 110: That’s one thing we don’t have in Davy Jones’ locker.at Davy Jones’s locker, n.
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 182: Well, these didoes of the submarine made us kind of curious.at dido, n.1
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 189: They [...] had spent most of the daylight hours flying above the submerged submarine in their eggbeater.at eggbeater (n.) under egg, n.1
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 90: It scares the hell out of me.at scare (the) hell out of (v.) under hell, n.
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 52: They carry it [human fertilizer] around in wooden barrels called ‘honey buckets’.at honey-bucket (n.) under honey, n.1
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 184: Penelope has returned. She’s come back. Hot spit!at hot spit! (excl.) under hot, adj.
1963 W.C. Anderson Penelope 96: That am a beautiful thing! [...] Absolutely scrumptious.at scrumptious, adj.