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The Bang-Up Songster choose

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[UK] ‘Randy Johnny!’ Bang-Up Songster 9: He bedded every maid. / With his in and out, round about, / Hairy, leary, randy, dandy.
at in-and-out, n.1
[UK] ‘Adam’s Root’ in Bang-Up Songster 8: Two pretty apples hung from it below!
at apples, n.
[UK] ‘The Blowen’s Ball’ Bang-Up Songster 5: They each put away thirty muffins.
at put away, v.
[UK] ‘Randy Johnny!’ Bang-Up Songster 9: In spite of all their huffs and cuffs, / He bedded every maid.
at bed, v.
[UK] ‘The Blowen’s Ball’ in Bang-Up Songster 5: Come, play you old bloat.
at bloat, n.
[UK] ‘Those London Mots’ in Bang-Up Songster 39: If you their love and charms would win, / Blow out their kite on rum or gin.
at blow out, v.1
[UK] ‘The Rake’s Register’ Bang-Up Songster 23: At twenty-two I was quite hard up. / So I was forced to bounce them.
at bounce, v.1
[UK] ‘Blowen’s Ball’ in Bang-Up Songster 6: They strip’t themselves all into buff.
at buff, n.1
[UK] ‘Mrs. Grumbleton’s Two Mouths’ Bang-Up Songster 43: My dearest chuck I feel quite strong.
at chuck, n.1
[UK] ‘Poor Little Caleb The Small’ Bang-Up Songster 40: Having both agreed to this, they neither made a dust.
at dust, n.
[UK] ‘Girl of the Town’ in Bang-Up Songster 24: Then vot Countess or duchess of wealth and renown, / Comes it half so fat as a girl of the town?
at fat, adv.
[UK] ‘Those London Mots’ in Bang-Up Songster 39: In flashy togs so fine array’d.
at flash toggery (n.) under flash, adj.
[UK] ‘The Blowen’s Ball!’ in Bang-Up Songster 4: There was thirty flash kiddies or more, / A couple to every w---e.
at flash kiddy (n.) under flash, adj.
[UK] ‘The Rake’s Register’ in Bang-Up Songster 23: I married her and got her pelf, / With which I soon was flashing.
at flash, v.1
[UK] ‘The Shickster’s Chaunt’ Bang-Up Songster 16: We’ll petition Parliament, / And with little argument, / They’ll let us frisk to our content, / Prime young shicksters.
at frisk, v.1
[UK] ‘Those London Mots’ Bang-Up Songster 39: If you can sport a bob or two, / Those London mots will go with you.
at go with, v.
[UK] ‘The Blowen’s Ball’ in Bang-Up Songster 5: They proved they were none of them guffins.
at guffin, n.
[UK] ‘Randy Johnny!’ Bang-Up Songster 9: He bedded every maid. / With his in and out, round about, / Hairy, leary, randy, dandy.
at hairy, adj.1
[UK] ‘Poor Little Caleb The Small’ in Bang-Up Songster 41: He hiked off Caleb in a trice, before a Magistrate.
at hike (off), v.
[UK] ‘Those London Mots’ Bang-Up Songster 39: But after all it’s hard I say, / To have to hoof it night and day.
at hoof, v.
[UK] ‘Randy Johnny!’ in Bang-Up Songster 9: In spite of all their huffs and cuffs, / He bedded every maid.
at huff, n.
[UK] ‘The Dildoe!’ in Bang-Up Songster 17: They itch’d – and long’d – a deal, I wot, / For a little bit of you know what!
at you know what, n.
[UK] ‘The Rake’s Register’ in Bang-Up Songster 24: She [...] left me all her debts to pay, / So I was clap’d in limbo!
at limbo, n.
[UK] ‘The Shickster’s Chaunt’ in Bang-Up Songster 16: Of lush we take our nightly fill, / Nice young shicksters!
at lush, n.1
[UK] ‘The Old Woman’s Mutton’ Bang-Up Songster 31: A butcher who was fond of meat.
at fond of meat (adj.) under meat, n.
[UK] ‘The Rake’s Register’ Bang-Up Songster 23: I married her and got her pelf, / With which I soon was flashing.
at pelf, n.
[UK] ‘C–--!’ in Bang-Up Songster 12: With swellish togs and blunt to range.
at swellish (adj.) under swell, n.1
[UK] in Bang-Up Songster 19: [song title] ‘Squire’s Thingumbob and Kitty’s What You May Call It.’.
at thingumabob, n.
[UK] ‘The Rake’s Register’ in Bang-Up Songster 23: At twenty one my blunt was gone, / The girls I could not trounce them.
at trounce, v.
[UK] ‘Those London Mots’ in Bang-Up Songster 38: Those London mots, those leary mots, / They turf it o’er the streets in lots.
at turf it (v.) under turf, v.
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