Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Comical History of Simple John choose

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[UK] Comical Hist. of Simple John 2: Girzy the eldest had a hump back, a high breast, baker legs.
at baker-kneed, adj.
[UK] Comical Hist. of Simple John 6: They tell’d me ye was daft, but I’ll ding the daffing out o’ ye.
at daffing, n.
[UK] Comical Hist. of Simple John 2: His mother was a rattling rattle scul’d wife.
at rattle-head, n.
[UK] Comical Hist. of Simple John 2: A lump of loun like ill-nature, row’d a’ together, as if she had been nine months in a haggis.
at lump, n.
[UK] Comical Hist. of Simple John 2: They’ll get a lumping pennyworth O’ me.
at lumping pennyworth, n.
[UK] Comical Hist. of Simple John 3: Ye’ll be my soncy dauty, up and down; a perfect beauty.
at sonsy, adj.
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