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The Farmer of Chappaqua Songster choose

Quotation Text

[US] ‘Our Warrior Bold’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 66: O, his drink is purest Adam’s ale.
at Adam’s ale (n.) under Adam, n.
[US] ‘Farmer Greeley’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 9: He keeps himself as happy as a clam.
at ...a clam under happy as..., adj.
[US] ‘Going to Vote for Greeley’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 23: Isn’t he the splendid Farmer, / Just like one of us, bedad!
at bedad!, excl.
[US] ‘Sage of Chappaqua’ Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 58: Be jabers we are going for the Sage of Chappaqua.
at bejabers!, excl.
[US] ‘Horace Greeley’s Party’ Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 34: You can bet your breeches, / Dat I vill be on hand!
at bet one’s boots (v.) under bet, v.
[US] ‘Blixen’s Campaign Song’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 53: By jinks – he does it Brown.
at do it brown (v.) under brown, adj.2
[US] ‘Useless S. Grant’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 64: None of them of late / Can equal what you’ve ‘cabbaged’ from us freely.
at cabbage, v.1
[US] ‘Greeley’s the Boy’ Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 8: Arrah, Dinnis and Pat will be meeting / The boys with most illigant clack.
at clack, n.
[US] ‘Farmer Greeley or Soldier Grant’ Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 45: His owld fashioned coat and white cawbeen [...] Will inspire ivery son of his mother.
at every mother’s son, n.
[US] ‘Grant’s Family Ring’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 48: Orville L.G., / (Hunkey boy on a spree) / Draws on his pal in an Illinois coast office – / Half the connections of Lysses can boast office.
at hunkey boy (n.) under hunky, adj.1
[US] ‘Going to Vote for Greeley’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 23: I’m going to vote for Greeley, / He’s the jewel, dear, for me!
at jewel, n.
[US] ‘Blixen’s Campaign Song’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 53: By jinks – he does it Brown.
at by jinks! (excl.) under jinks, n.
[US] ‘We’re All for Horace’ Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 47: Together let the Northern Yank / And Southern Johnny shout.
at johnny, n.1
[US] ‘The Last Rebel Yell’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 17: I’m a rale old Reb, with but one left leg.
at Reb, n.
[US] ‘Our Warrior Bold’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 66: Uncle Sammy loves him well.
at Uncle Sam, n.1
[US] ‘Song of the Times’ Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 73: We’re sick of show and sham.
at sham, n.1
[US] ‘Greeley, Greeley, Hallelujahd’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 74: Cincinnati finished him, they fixed him pretty slick.
at slick, adv.
[US] ‘Farmer Greeley’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 36: They call us ‘sore-heads,’ but they’ll see / The name best fits themselves!
at sorehead, n.
[US] ‘Our Warrior Bold’ Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 67: Why he’ll surely lay them out, / He will send them up the spout / In a jiffy, with his chopper keen and true!
at up the spout under spout, n.3
[US] ‘Greeley’s the Boy’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 8: We’ll have him keep drinkin’ his stingo.
at stingo, n.1
[US] ‘Farmer Greeley’ in Farmer of Chappaqua Songster 9: Oh, White-Hat Greeley is his name!.
at white hat (n.) under white, adj.
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