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[UK] Maroccus Extaticus C2: For hee will forbeare as long as shee will beare, and thats ka mee, and ka thee, knaue he, and queane she.
at claw me and I’ll claw you under claw, v.
[UK] Maroccus Extaticus B4: bankes: They that take vp commodities make no difference for measure betweene a Flemishe ell and an Englishe yard. horse: I knowe an ell Flemish cost English Anthonie halfe a yard of the best ware he had.
at ell, n.
[UK] Maroccus Extaticus To the Reader A3: A flat robberie [...] such a peece of filching as is punishable with ribroast among the turne spits at pie corner.
at filch, v.1
[UK] Maroccus Extaticus C: Of more amisse by gis, than easily amended is, of bauderie and beggarie, and such lyke matters.
at by Jis! (excl.) under Jis, n.
[UK] Maroccus Extaticus B3: A mechinicall fellowe shall go farre into a Gentleman, and a Gentleman so farre out of himselfe.
at mechanic, adj.
[UK] Maroccus Extaticus To the Reader A3: A flat robberie [...] such a peece of filching as is punishable with ribroast among the turne spits at pie corner.
at rib roast, n.
[UK] Maroccus Extaticus C: What complaint coulde haue come against Peticoat lane, Smocke Alley, Shorditch, or Rotten Row.
at smock alley (n.) under smock, n.1
[UK] Maroccus Extaticus C: She [a madam] that I talke of can entertaine you with a duzen tiffite taffetie girles in a morning.
at taffeta, adj.
[UK] Maroccus Extaticus C3: With this stock of wenches will this Trustie Roger and his Bettrice set up forsooth with their pamphlet pots, and stewed prunes, nine for a tester, in a sinfull saucer.
at tester, n.1
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