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Museum of Mirth choose

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[UK] ‘The Tailors Vindication’ Museum of Mirth 70: That I’m but the ninth part of a man, Boys laugh and cry out in the street, sir. [...] But admitting nine tailors make one, / We’ll argue, for joke sake, no further.
at ninth part of a man, n.
[UK] ‘Comic Adventures of Roger Ramble’ Museum of Mirth 55/1: Thinks I, should I make ducks and drakes of my pelf [...] how unlucky for me.
at ducks and drakes, n.1
[UK] ‘All England Now are Slanging It’ Museum of Mirth 39/2: What are you doing with that pump-handle under you arm? You are not going to fly the blue pigeon are you?
at fly the blue pigeon (v.) under blue pigeon, n.
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/2: [as 1827].
at boneshop (n.) under bone, n.1
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/1: There’s a wap on his tater-trap — he’s made his box o’ dominos chatter.
at box of dominoes (n.) under box of..., n.
[UK] ‘All England Now are Slanging It’ Museum of Mirth 39/2: You shall pass the darkey in the roundy-ken.
at darkey, n.
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/1: ‘How do you bet your blunt?’ ‘Vy, I’m six to four on the dead man.’ ‘Why, I’m all for doughey myself.’ ‘Vat, de baker?’.
at dead man, n.
[UK] ‘The Corinthian’s Diary’ Museum of Mirth 59/2: Tuesday got clean’d at Rouge et Noir [...] So then I vow’d to play no more / Lest like a lame duck I should waddle.
at lame duck, n.1
[UK] ‘All England Now are Slanging It’ Museum of Mirth 40/1: No, no Barbary tongue at all, merely a little rum slum to put the knowing ones awake and queer the flats with. [...] Flash is cant, cant is patter, patter is lingo, lingo is language, and language is flash.
at flash, n.1
[UK] ‘The Corinthian’s Diary’ Museum of Mirth 59/2: Sunday got floored in groggy plight.
at floored, adj.
[UK] ‘All England Now are Slanging It’ Museum of Mirth 39/2: All the universities / Have buried the dead languages [...] to study prime St. Giles’s Greek and bark out rum dog Latin.
at St Giles’s Greek (n.) under St Giles, n.
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/1: [as 1827].
at graper, n.
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/1: ‘What’ll you take?’ ‘Don’t care, any thing wet – a drap o’ heavy brown, with a dash o’ light blue in’t.’.
at light blue (n.) under light, adj.
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/1: [as 1827].
at lily benjamin (n.) under lily, adj.
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/1: ‘How do you bet your blunt?’ ‘Vy, I’m six to four on the dead man.’ ‘Why, I’m all for doughey myself.’ ‘Vat, de baker?’ ‘Yes, I’m down upon the master of the rolls.’.
at master of the rolls (n.) under master of..., n.
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/1: [as 1827].
at full suit of mourning (n.) under mourning, n.
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/2: [as 1827].
at ned, n.1
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/2: The prigs have been dipping their mauleys into that swell’s gropus nimmed [...] his gold ticker, three one-pound screens, two neds and his reader.
at reader, n.
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/1: [as 1827].
at tater-trap (n.) under tater, n.
[UK] ‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/2: Why, sir, they were both so wapped, I couldn’t tell which had the wictory.
at whop, v.
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