light adj.
1. of women, promiscuous.
‘Trial of Joseph and Mary’ Coventry Mysteries (1841) 134: Suche a yonge damesel of bewte bryght, And of schap so comely also, Of hire tayle oftetyme be lyght. | ||
Pryde and Abuse of Women line 33: For a stewde strumpet can not so soone Gette up a lyght lewde fashyon, But everye wanton Jelot wyll lyke it well. | ||
Damon and Pithias (1571) Diii: Beleue her not she is a light Goddesse, she can laugh and lowre. | ||
Disputation Betweene a Hee and a Shee Conny-Catcher (1923) 71: I had not liued long with him, ere he seeing my light behauiour, left mee to the world, and the shift for my selfe. | ||
[title] Hellen’s Rape or A light Lanthorne for light Ladies. | ||
Dutch Curtezan II i: Thou delightest onely in light Company. | ||
Scourge of Folly 163: Light Women, some, do loue by night. | ||
Works (1869) III 30: Compact, compose, compare light things together, / And nothing’s lighter than a wanton she, / Yet heere’s the Riddle, (past my wits to scan) / Her lightnesse weighs downe many a heauy man. | ‘Sculler’ in||
Stripping, whipping, and pumping 15: Such a kind of Cacadudgeon Coxcombe, doth justly deserve to have beene match’d to a wench whose heeles had been lighter than his head. | ||
‘Will’s Error’ in | (1969) 201: Will says his wife’s so fat, she scarce can go, / But she as nimbly answers, ‘Faith, sir no.’ / Alas, good Will, thou art mistaken quite, / For all men know that she is wondrous light.||
Wit Restor’d (1817) 239: A Light young man lay with a lighter woman [...] And gave her (when her good will he had gotten), A yard of Holland for an ell of Cotton . | ‘On Tom Holland and Nell Cotton’||
Mercurius Democritus 20-27 July 78: A strange accident happened in Smock-alley near Hip-street on Friday last, a light Gentle-woman [...] hang’d herself. | ||
‘News from the Coffee-House’ in Roxburghe Ballads (1885) V:1 178: They’l tell ye there what Lady-ware of late is grown too light. | ||
Norfolk Drollery 113: His Wife, whom he suspected Light, / He to a Lobster did invite. | ||
Match in Newgate IV iv: Maids in your Night-rails, / Look to your light Tails, / Keep close your Locks, / And down your Smocks; / Keep a broad Eye, / And a close Thigh. | ||
Proc. Old Bailey 10 Oct. n.p.: Although she had been a light person, yet no one could say she ever pickt a Pocket. | ||
Married Beau I i: Here’s my Wife! See! She is no light Piece. She makes the Garden bend, all the Fops bow to her: Would she admit Inhabitants, my Bed Might be a populous Place. | ||
The Rambling Rakes 7: Among the Dancing-Crew was several whose Tails were far lighter than their Heels. | ||
Hudibras Redivivus I:7 24: Twas now about the Hour of Night, / When strolling Hussies, much too light / Those Paramours of Pimps and Bayli’s, / Creep out. | ||
Polite Conversation 27: miss: Let me go: an’t you sorry for my Heaviness? nev.: No, Miss; you are very light; but I don’t say, You are a light Hussy. | ||
Adventures of Gil Blas (1822) II 105: I had taken it for granted that all women of light character carried the mark of the beast upon their foreheads. | (trans.)||
Ardent 87: All hail to the knight of the petticoat light, / The reformer of Cyprian dames. | ||
Sam Sly 26 May 3/1: Sam wishes to know why Capt. F—k P——n struts about so much with that woman of light character. | ||
Peeping Tom (London) 47 185/3: ‘Dark young man looking for werry light young lady’. | ||
Hills & Plains 2 139: The idea of which her light conduct had suggested. | ||
Sportsman 30 Oct. 2/1: Notes on News [...] Actors, danseuses, and women of light character. | ||
‘Green Mask’ in Cabinet of Venus 248: ‘You think me light, don’t you? I am an adulteress’. | ||
(con. late 19C) New York Day by Day 21 Apr. [synd. col.] Ladies who lived lightly were supposed to go there [i.e. ‘Suicide Hall’ on the Bowery] nightly. | ||
Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Dirty Words. |
2. sexual, of animate or inanimate objects.
Ar’t Asleepe, Husband? 226: Sir, either light thoughts have so mis-guided you [...] or some base [...] Betrayer of Womens honour ha’s deluded you, by giving you incouragement to such an indiscreet attempt. |
3. (US) intoxicated, esp. by drugs.
Pennsylvania Gazette 6 Jan. in AS XII:2 91: They come to be well understood to signify plainly that A MAN IS DRUNK. [...] Light. | ‘Drinkers Dict.’ in||
Limey 35: Get him ‘light’ with a ‘shot’ of morphine and he became a smooth and deadly ruffian. | ||
Union Dues (1978) 208: Hobie felt pretty wrecked himself. He couldn’t remember when he’d felt lighter. |
4. (orig. US black, also light of, light on) short of money.
Philosophy of Johnny the Gent 91: ‘The Wise Cracker looks him over, but he was very light. Just about enough to purchase a few rounds o’ the brew’. | ||
Sport (Adelaide) 3 July 4/2: There was a bloke called Stan, / Who hit on many a plan, / Some say he gets tight, / Others say he’s a bit ‘light’ . | ||
Taxi-Dance Hall 140: By Monday he’s spent most of his week’s pay and has to ‘go light’ until the next Saturday. | ||
We Were the Rats 122: ‘You’re a bit light on too, aren’t you?’ ‘Purely a temporary state of poverty.’. | ||
Tell Us About the Turkey, Jo 65: I don’t like putting you girls back a bob, but I’m that much light. | ‘You’re a Character’ in||
Walk on the Wild Side 80: I’m a quarter light of. | ||
Complete Guide to Gambling 684: Light – 1. in an insufficient amount. | ||
Airtight Willie and Me 76: Baby Sis, the scratch is light . . . you feeling all right? | ||
Miami Vice [TV]: ‘How much are you light?’ ‘Six grand.’. | ||
What They Found 112: ‘I didn’t have any money. My paper was so light I was down to reading yesterday’s newspaper’. | ‘law and order’ in||
Rough Riders 64: ‘Let me ask you how come your count was light?’ ‘Expenses’. | ||
Straight Dope [ebook] — Look here, your girl’s twenty light. You gonna put it straight? |
5. (US black) stupid, unintelligent.
Tales (1969) 13: I told you not to take Organic . . . as light as you are. | ||
Semi-Tough 103: Emily Kirkland is lighter than popcorn. |
6. weak.
Complete Guide to Gambling 684: Light – 2. Weak. ‘The P.C. is light.’. |
7. (US) unable to consume large quantities of drink and/or drugs.
(con. 1985–90) In Search of Respect 157: I keep telling you, man, you’re a light nigga’. You can’t be sniffing so much dope all at once. |
8. (US drugs) short-weight.
Cherry 4: He gets to weighing out a gram. I say, ‘It was three light yesterday’. |
In derivatives
of a woman, wantonness, promiscuity.
Henry VI I ii: He hath the horn of abundance, and the lightness of his wife shines through it. | ||
Greenes Tu Quoque Scene xiv: Kindnesse is tearmed Lightnesse in our sex. | ||
Ar’t Asleepe, Husband? 226: What loose passage ha’s there fallne from us, or wherein have you seene any argument of Lightnesse by us? | ||
[trans.] Cleopatra 64: [Cleopatra] hath much forgotten her self in discovering so much of her lightness to the whole Empire. | ||
A true & faithful relation 419: [H]ow far are you in love with the World, and her pomp, with the flesh and her lightness or wantonness, with the Divel and his damnable subtilty! | ||
The most pleasant and delectable history of Amadis de Gaule bk V n.p.: [She] cast her self into Esplandian's arms, kissing him with so great affection, as if she had séen, loved and known him all her life time. [...] Queen Minoresse [...] reproved her lightness. | ||
[trans.] The use of passions 313: [T]hough she be a Cheater, she will appear to be faithful; and even in her lightness she gives proofs of her constancy. | ||
A detection of the actions of Mary Queen of Scots 1: For, as in making of her Marriage, her Lightness was very headlong and rash. |
In compounds
a prostitute.
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Light Friggat a Whore. [Ibid.] Light Woman, or Light Huswife Lewd, Whorish. | ||
New Canting Dict. [as cit. c.1698]. | ||
, , , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. [as cit. c.1698]. | |
Dict. of Sl., Jargon and Cant. |
1. (US drugs) one who restricts their drug intake to ‘light’ drugs, e.g. cannabis.
Corner Boy 45: There was pod for the light heads, boy and girl for the mainliners. |
2. see separate entry.
see separate entry.
a promiscuous (married) woman; prostitute.
Dict. cited in Halliwell Dict. Archaic and Provincial Words II 519/2: An harlot, a brothel, an hoore, a strompet, a light housewyfe . | ||
[trans.] Plutarch The lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes 925: This Nepos mother was reported to be a light housewife, and he as suttle witted and vnconstant. | ||
Philomela in Brydges Archaica 15: Her that many hath worn, and more than thyself may vanquish: a light housewife and a lewd minion. | ||
Hellen’s Rape 3: Helen, a light Huswife, now a light some starre in Olympus. | ||
Of the nature and vse of lots 329: We might as well [...] hire some light Huswife to entice a man to lewdnesse and to play the Whore with him. | ||
Anatomy of Melancholy (1893) I 479: I write not this to patronize any wanton, idle flirt, lascivious or light housewives, which are too forward many times. | ||
The Protestants evidence 17: You say well, they [i.e. opinions] be fathered on them, even as sometime a light housewife layes her burthen at an honest mans doore. | ||
[trans.] Artamenes 3: [T]here are some insolent fools, who think that valour is enough to make up a compleat man; so Isalonide thinks, that because she is not a light housewife, she is the most vertuous woman of the age. | ||
Man’s the Master IV i: You must follow me apace then; for I’m a very light hus-wife. | ||
Scoffer Scoff’d (1765) 213: His Visage thou do’st gaze and look on / (Which none but your light Huswives do). | ||
Fifteen Real Comforts of Matrimony 27: In pops the light Housewife in the dark out of her close Sedan, and goes for the wife of a bad husband gone beyond the Sea. | ||
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Light Woman, or Light Huswife Lewd, Whorish. | ||
Hudibras Redivivus I:5 15: Others, like Flags of Truce, wore white, / Houss’ives that seem’d a Grain too light. | ||
gill flurt, a proud Minks; also a Slut or light Housewife. | New Universal Eng. Dict. (5 edn expanded) n.p.:||
Proverbs (5 edn) 266: A light housewife, who, under the pretence of modesty, sought to cover her shame, and the fruits of her wantonness. | ||
Dict. Archaic and Provincial Words II 519/2: A light-housewife, a married woman of bad character. |
see separate entry.
1. (drugs) any non-addictive drugs, e.g. cannabis.
Down These Mean Streets (1970) 223: I started to hustle pot — light stuff, here and there a few bucks. But no mo’ junk. | ||
Drugs from A to Z (1970) 142: light stuff marijuana or other non-opiate drugs, as opposed to heavy stuff. | ||
Underground Dict. (1972). | ||
ONDCP Street Terms 14: Light stuff — Marijuana. |
2. an unimportant person.
Carlito’s Way 164: The judge [...] had to know I was light stuff compared to them thugs. |
(US black) eccentric, insane; unintelligent.
Vice Lords 40: Old Dude was one of the least important members of the 15th Street Lords. He was thought by everyone to be ‘light upstairs’ (not too intelligent) . | ||
Third Ear n.p.: light upstairs adj. not mentally alert; crazy. |
(US) effeminate, homosexual.
It Can’t Happen Here 336: ‘Say, talking about sissies, what do you see in a light-waisted mollycoddle like Julian?’ . |
see separate entries.
(US) a fool.
[ | Shrewish Wife in Lee Life II (1869) 237: If this Mr. Lovewit, or more properly Mr. Lightwit, had as much Reason to complain, or expatiate on his misfortunes, as I have, surely he would publish Volumes]. | |
N.Y. Observer 87543/2: ‘Fools rush in where angels fear to tread,’ remarked Lightwit, meeting Sharp at a reception the other evening. ‘That's right, my boy,’ rejoined Sharp, extending his hand, ‘but I'm delighted to see you here, just the same’. | ||
Judge 93 9: In this cornah, Mr. ‘Takes us’ Rickard, heavyweight publicity champ of the woild, and in that cornah, ‘Battling Sucker’ Public, the woild’s champion lightwit! | ||
(con. 1910s) Heed the Thunder (1994) 47: He’s bamboozled and bulldozed a lot of these light-wits into signing over their property to him. |
a prostitute; in weaker sense, an immoral or promiscuous woman.
Biblia the Byble 266: The foolish maner of a light woman. | ||
[trans.] A modest meane to mariage n.p.: [A] yong man and a light Woman, who in times past had bene further acquainted then honestie required. | ||
Ecclesiastical history 330: [A] certaine light woman, sumpteously attyred and gorgeously arayed to feede the eyes of fonde people. | ||
The sixt lampe of virginitie 269: [T]his light woman caught this foolishe man and kissed him, and with an impudent face and shamelesse countenance, she sayde vnto him: Come, I haue peace offringes, & meate at home,. | ||
[title] Hellen’s Rape or A light Lanthorne for light Ladies. | ||
Honest Whore Pt 2 (1630) VI ii: Light wenches are no idle fraight. | ||
[trans.] Archontorologion 229: The fraile flesh is somwhat to blame, but much more is the foolish and light woman in faulte. | ||
The anatomy of melancholy 680: The vndiscreet carriage of some lasciuious gallant, (& è contrae of some light woman,) by his often frequenting of an house. | ||
Juniper Lecture 93: Shee makes her husband a very Asse, an Abram, and a Ninnihammer [...] though shee be counted a Whoore or a light woman. | ||
Prototypes [W]ithout doubt this woman is a light woman, and this man a libidinous and incestuous man: . | ||
The combate between the flesh and spirit 126: By varnishing over sinne with the colour and paint of grace. As a light woman may sometimes dress her self in modest attire, that so she may not be suspected. | ||
‘A Merry Dialogue’ in Roxburghe Ballads (1893) VII:1 149: But if you’l believe me, I’le tell you true / What light Women are like unto. | ||
Plain Dealer (1735) 91: ’Tis often the poor-press’d Widow's Case, to give up her Honour to save her jointure; and seem to be a light Woman, rather than marry. | ||
Annotations upon the Holy Bible n.p.: [notes] [H]er whoredomes of fame [...] is not ill expressed here by lightness of her whoredom, noting her impudence in it, as we use to term a common Harlot a light Woman. | ||
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Light Woman, or Light Huswife Lewd, Whorish. | ||
Tatler 270 363: All which they utter in Company is as much above what you meet with in other Conversations, as the Charms of a modest are superior to those of a light Woman. | ||
Miscellany Letters in Mist’s Wkly Jrnl I 301: There is nothing certainly a more, abject Thing than a light Woman; and often one single Indiscretion lays a Woman under that Infamy, which all her future Care And Conduct can never wipe off . | ||
, , , | Universal Etym. Eng. Dict. [as cit. c.1698]. | |
Julia III:xi: Let that light woman, and her minion, answer. | ||
Men and Women I [title] A ‘light woman’. | ||
Fast One (1936) 90: Politician Plugged as Prowler by Light Lady. | ||
Honest Rainmaker (1991) 122: Kentucky Babe, a light lady from Louisville. |
In phrases
(US black) second-rate, insubstantial.
🎵 Rap tabloids write Dre’s light in the ass (what?). | ‘Light Speed’
see sense 3 above.
SE in slang uses
In compounds
see under artillery n.
Fancy 84: Oh, never again, / I’ll cultivate light blue or brown inebriety. | ‘Stanzas to Kate’ in||
‘The Mill’ Museum of Mirth 45/1: ‘What’ll you take?’ ‘Don’t care, any thing wet – a drap o’ heavy brown, with a dash o’ light blue in’t.’. | ||
‘Oh! Sarah, You Wixen’ Dublin Comic Songster 104: Of Segar’s light blue you’ll take a few glasses. | ||
Flash Dict. in Sinks of London Laid Open. |
a silver spoon.
, | Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. | |
, , | Sl. Dict. | |
Sl. Dict. |
chewing tobacco.
Passing Eng. of the Victorian Era. |
(US black) a neophyte to the raffish world of the streets, one who leads a sheltered life and does not properly participate in the tougher ghetto world.
Runnin’ Down Some Lines 40: Not a lightweight or lightfoot [...] but a person of substance. |
a dockside thief.
Commerce and Police of the River Thames 58: Those denominated Light Horsemen seem to have been by far the most pernicious, inasmuch as the pillage they obtained, by their artful practices, was generally extensive and valuable. | ||
London Guide 104: A man might as well talk of the beauties of Grecian building in the reign of King Harry, as of the frauds committed by ‘scuffle-hunters, mudlarks, light horsemen and heavy horsemen upon the trade of the river Thames’. | ||
Public Ledger 12 Nov. 3/3: All kinds of plundering on the river and its banks, on board shipping, barges, &c. Light horsemen, heavy horsemen, game watermen, lightermen, scuffle hunters, copemen, &c. | ||
(con. 1715) Jack Sheppard (1917) 153: Game watermen and game lightermen, heavy horsemen and light horsemen. | ||
Poor Jack 126: Light Horsemen – that’s a name for one set of people who live by plunder... Then we have the Heavy Horsemen – they do their work in the daytime, when they go on board as lumpers to clear the ships . | ||
Daily News 9 Jan. n.p.: ‘Light Horsemen’ would look out for a lighter having valuable goods on board, and at night, stealing up quietly, would cut her adrift, then following her, as she floated down with the tide, would by-and-by rescue her, and bring her back, claiming salvage. |
(US black) co-habiting.
Third Ear n.p.: light housekeeping v. living together without benefit of matrimony. |
, , | Sl. Dict. 152: heavy dragoons, bugs, in contradistinction to fleas, which are light infantry. | |
Sl. Dict. | ||
Sl. and Its Analogues. | ||
Westminster Gazette 15th Nov. 2/2: The nocturnal assaults of heavy cavalry, as well as light infantry issuing after dark from the cracks of an old wood bedstead [F&H]. |
see under meat n.
see under piece n.
of a person, slender, thin; thus physically weak.
Dict. Canting Crew n.p.: Light-timber’d Fellow limber or slender Limb’d, also weak. | ||
Free-Thinker 17 July 247: Pumilio, a light-timbered, dapper Youth, who might make an eminent Figure upon a Race-Horse at New-Market. | ||
New Canting Dict. [as cit. c.1698]. | ||
Present Seat of War in Africa 130: The half-famished Infantry were forced to hoof it along very tightly, to keep Pace with their Cavalry; which indeed they did pretty well, the Spaniards being a light timbered Sort of Gentry. |
see under time n.
body lice.
Lex. Balatronicum n.p.: Light Troops. Lice; the light troops are in full march; the lice are crawling about. | ||
Grose’s Classical Dict. of the Vulgar Tongue [as cit. 1811]. |
see under wet n.
In phrases
1. pickpockets as a group.
Morn. Chron. (London) 21 Aug. 3/4: The light-fingered tribe mustered in great strength [...] among the crowd at Lord Londonderry’s funeral. | ||
Age (London) 31 July 94/3: [T]heir old ‘pal,’ young Ned Stockman, once the cock of the walk among the light-weights,-and always the friend and patron of the light-fingers. | ||
Pierce Egan’s Life in London 2 Oct. 290/1: The following day, another of the light fingered gentry was detected in picking a pocket. | ||
Reformed Gambler 203: He made farther developments as to the mode pursued by the light-fingered gentry to swindle unsuspecting men out of their money. He stated that places in this city kept persons employed to ‘rope in’ strangers. | ||
(con. 1840s–50s) London Labour and London Poor IV 25: ‘Mobsmen,’ or those who plunder by manual dexterity — as the ‘light-fingered gentry.’. | ||
Sportsman 14 Mar. 2/1: Notes on News [...] [A] gang of female swell-mob thieves—a Mrs Helen Pope, just arrested in Paris, with twelve more of her London light-fingered friends. | ||
Leinster Indep. 30 Sept. 4/3: ‘I was one night working with a mag’s-man,’ said the light-fingered gentleman [...] ‘About half-past twelve I saw a man with a white waistcoast, decorated with a red slang (chain) attached to a red jerry (gold watch)’. | ||
‘Some Varieties of Thieves’ in Star (London) 23 Feb. 4/2: The wide doman known among light-fingered gentry as ‘the fly’. | ||
Good of the Wicked 14: Levitt, surprising ‘Tippy’ Mason in the act of ‘lifting a super’ [...] subjected the light-fingered gent to a ‘deal,’ which kept him in the hospital for months. | ||
World of Living Dead (1969) 129: The truly light-fingered gentry [...] never hesitate to express their contempt for the more roughly inclined of the profession. | ||
Romany Life 247: The light-fingered gentry with the mackintoshes, over one arm, who gently taps your pocket and marks you with a chalk [...] to indicate to his friend the tea-leaf or poke-lifter, the true pickpocket, where the money lies. |
2. a cheat whose skills depend on their desterity in manipulating cards, dice, the ‘pea’ in ‘the shell game’ etc.
Bulletin (Sydney) 12 June 2/3: The gambling mania has reached Auckland. Michael Gallagher, who keeps a ‘sporting’ house in that town, has been fined in the Police Court for allowing professional ‘speelers’ to play in his house; and the light-fingered gentry were ordered by the Bench to ‘ seek fresh scenes and pastures new’. | ||
Bulletin (Sydney) 31 Jan. /: We admit that the new ruling isn’t exactly bread-and-cheese and ‘colonial’ to the light-fingered talent, because the first move the delusive match-box proprietor or the enterprising gentleman with the ’pictur’ card makes, after fleecing a flat, is to lodge the cash which his artful little game has pooled in a bank. |
(US) homosexual.
Current Sl. IV:1 11: Light on . . . feet, adj. Pertaining to effeminacy in a fellow. | ||
Ground Zero Club 207: Wasn’t Alexander the Great a little light in the loafers? | ||
Perv (2001) 82: You’re one of them sit-down-to-pee’ers, am I right? A little light in the loafers. | ||
(con. 1950s) My Lives 108: ‘Trade’ – men who could be ‘serviced’ though of course they’d never reciprocate since they were real men and ‘not at all light in the loafers.’. | ||
Half-Truths, Total Lies 83: ‘I think he's a bit too light in the loafers to be effective, if you know what I mean,’said Robert with a smirk. [...] ‘What does light in the loafers even mean?’ ‘Airy fairy, rainbow child’. |
(US black) smoothly, effortlessly.
International House [film] Now pat that thing slightly, lightly and politely [HDAS]. | ||
Novels and Stories (1995) 1009: Lightly, slightly, and politely: doing things perfectly. | ‘Story in Harlem Sl.’||
in Jazz Lex. (1964) n.p.: ‘Lightly and po-lightly!’ Red exclaimed. |
of a woman, unfaithful, promiscuous.
Pleasures of a Single Life 5: No light-tail’d Hippocrite to raise my Fears; / No Vile Impert’nence to torment my Ears . |