1741 W. Kennett ‘Armour’ in Potent Ally 1: All ye Nymphs [...] Known by White-apron, bart’ring Love with Cit.at white apron (n.) under apron, n.
1741 W. Kennett ‘Armour’ in Potent Ally 3: The hot daring Youth, whose giddy Lust [...] Resolves upon Fruition, unimpare’d / By intervening Armour, C----m hight! [Ibid.] 5: [footnote] Colonel Condom was the Inventor of What is vulgarly called a C----m, alias armour, by the Girls of the Town, and who generally carry this Defence about them, at 1 s. each.at armour, n.
1741 W. Kennett ‘Armour’ in Potent Ally 1: All ye Nymphs [...] Known by White-apron, bart’ring Love with Cit.at cit, n.
1741 W. Kennett ‘Armour’ in Potent Ally 3: The hot daring Youth [...] now tormented sore with scalding Heat / Of Urine, dread Fore-runner of a Clap!at clap, n.
1741 C. Cotton Potent Ally Dedication: We have still a very natural and close Alliance with a strong and Potent-Country; a Country always ready to embrace us, and which will never refuse to unite with us, while we act with Vigour.at cunt, n.
1741 N. Rowe ‘Horace’s Integer Vitae applied to the Rakes of Drury’ in Potent Ally 27: The Man, Dear Friend, who wears a C—m, [...] He fears no Danger from the Doxies, Laughs at their F*****, and scorns their Poxes.at doxy, n.
1741 N. Rowe ‘Horace’s Integer Vitae applied to the Rakes of Drury’ in Potent Ally 27: The Man, Dear Friend, who wears a C—m, [...] He fears no Danger from the Doxies, Laughs at their F*****, and scorns their Poxes .at fanny, n.1
1741 W. Kennett ‘Armour’ in Potent Ally 5: [footnote] Colonel Condom was the Inventor of What is vulgarly called a C----m, alias armour, by the Girls of the Town.at girl about town (n.) under girl, n.1
1741 W. Kennett ‘Armour’ in Potent Ally 4: Now no Relief, but from the Surgeon’s Hand, / Or Pill-prescribing-Leach.at horse leech (n.) under horse, n.
1741 W. Kennett ‘Armour’ in Potent Ally 3: The hot daring Youth, whose giddy Lust [...] Resolves upon Fruition.at hot, adj.
1741 C. Cotton ‘The Present State of Bettyland’ in Potent Ally 29: Censures upon one another’s Dressing and Behaviour; Punctillio’s of Ceremonies when to give the Lip, and when to give the Cheek.at lip, n.1
1741 W. Kennett ‘Armour’ in Potent Ally 1: All ye Nymphs [...] Known by White-apron, bart’ring Love with Cit.at nymph, n.
1741 N. Rowe ‘Horace’s Integer Vitae applied to the Rakes of Drury’ in Potent Ally 27: The Man, Dear Friend, who wears a C—m, / May scour the Hundreds round at random; / Whether it please him to disport, In Wild-Street, or in Coulson’s Court; / He fears no Danger from the Doxies, / Laughs at their F*****, and scorns their Poxes.at scour, v.2
1741 W. Kennett ‘Armour’ in Potent Ally 7: You cautious stay awhile, till fitly Arm’d [...] so may you thrum / Th’ exstatic Harlot.at thrum, v.