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Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun choose

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[UK] Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun 14: I felt some liddle twitches; And what de think? ’twas sumb’dys han, A grabben at my britches! [...] I was plaguy crass, I sed I’d split he’s canister.
at canister, n.1
[UK] Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun 27: ‘Ya’ve twenty more to pay!’ ‘Fer what?’ I ax’d, dey sed ‘fer cost,’ [...] So I dubb’d down de stuff ya see, An den dey let me goo.
at dob (in), v.
[UK] Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun 9: Ol’ Pinchgut den must find us work, Fer Overseer is he.
at pinch-gut, n.
[UK] Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun 31: Wud shiv’ring lims, an hungry gut, Right forrud den I set.
at gut, n.
[UK] Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun 28: Wen money’s gone, ya may Goo taak a rup and hang yurself.
at go hang...! (excl.) under hang, v.1
[UK] Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun 14: Good night ol’ mate Says I; an den turn’d in.
at mate, n.1
[UK] Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun 11: I [...] mopp’d up de beer.
at mop (up), v.
[UK] Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun 18: Wid beef, an beer, an gin, an stuff, Dey kipt me loike a king.
at and stuff under stuff, n.
[UK] Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun 27: ‘Ya’ve twenty more to pay!’ ‘Fer what?’ I ax’d, dey sed ‘fer cost,’ [...] So I dubb’d down de stuff ya see, An den dey let me goo.
at stuff, n.
[UK] Tom Cladpole’s Jurney to Lunnun 29: Dat rais’d ma wool, an turnen roun, I thought to fix de hag.
at wool, n.1
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