Green’s Dictionary of Slang

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Yokel’s Preceptor choose

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[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor title page: Here will be found A Capital Show-Up of the Most Infamous Pegging Kens, Sharking Fakes, Gulping Holes, Bellowsing Rooms, Fencing Cribs, Molly Clubs, Dossing Hotels, Fleecing Holes.
at bellows, v.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 8: Get out, you little bitch.
at bitch, n.1
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 3: By private blowens, we mean those apparently modest women, who, notwithstanding their being blessed with honest, hard working husbands, do a little pleasant whoredom on the sly. Two ladies of this description reside in Back-hill, Clerkenwell; the house is situated at the corner of a gateway opposite Hatton Garden, and has a very convenient back door by which a gallant can make a safe exit, should the husband arrive unexpectedly.
at blowen, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 8: The Swiss Giantess [...] is the same doxy who was exhibited at a bob-a-nob in Leicester Square.
at bob a nob (n.) under bob, n.3
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 29: Brown broad, A penny.
at brown, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 8: Mary Mitchell, the Black Mot [...] used to pad the Haymarket. She did a vast deal of business; but being too fond of the tape she oftened figured before the beak.
at do a bit of business (v.) under business, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 29: Buskers, Itinerant vocalists, or spouters.
at busker, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 31: Casey, House, Iron &c.
at case, n.3
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 7: His father was a notorious cock-bawd, and when he died he bequeathed his two sons a bawdyken each.
at cock-bawd (n.) under cock, n.3
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 29: Cripple, Sixpence.
at cripple, n.1
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 9: Having picked up a cully one night, they repaired to the ken.
at cully, n.1
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 29: Dab, A bed.
at dab, n.3
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 30: Denaly, Money.
at deener, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 12: The outpourings of Mother Wood’s brothels; the two Jewesses; and the ‘young ladies’ of the infamous Mother Sparrow’s den.
at den, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 31: Duce, Two.
at deuce, n.1
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 30: Dimmock, Money.
at dimmock, n.1
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor title page: The Flat’s Ogles Opened – A Book for Every Greenhorn! [...] Being a Regular and Curious Show-Up of all the Rigs and Doings of the Flash Cribs In this Great Metropolis.
at doings, n.1
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 31: Donner, Woman, either Mot or not.
at dona, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 29: Dossing, Sleeping. Doss, To sleep.
at doss, v.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 9: Elephant Bet. This mountain of iniquity, from her unwieldly bulk, had gained the appellation of the walking dunny-ken, the elephant squash a--e.
at dunnaken, n.
[UK] ‘Joskin’s Vocab.’ in Yokel’s Preceptor 30: Face makers, Coiners.
at face-maker (n.) under face, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor title page: Here will be found A Capital Show-Up of the Most Infamous Pegging Kens, Sharking Fakes, Gulping Holes, Bellowsing Rooms, Fencing Cribs, Molly Clubs, Dossing Hotels, Fleecing Holes.
at fencing crib (n.) under fencing, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 9: She is a good-looking piece when dressed, and got the slap on, but as regular a fireship as ever sailed the coast. Take care of her!
at fireship, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 9: ‘Well, what do you think of that? have you got the uglies?’ ‘No,’ replied she, ‘but I’ve got the flaming p-x.’.
at flaming, adj.1
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor [title page]A Joskin’s Vocabulary Of the Various Slang Words now in constant use [...] all the New Moves and Artful Dodges practised at the present day, in all the most notorious Flymy Kens and Flash Cribs of London!
at flash case (n.) under flash, adj.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 30: Flummixed, Diddled.
at flummoxed, adj.2
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor title page: A Joskin’s Vocabulary Of the Various Slang Words now in constant use [...] all the New Moves and Artful Dodges practised at the present day, in all the most notorious Flymy Kens and Flash Cribs of London! [Ibid.] 29: Flymy, Down to everything – a man who has experienced life in all its stages.
at flymy, adj.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 4: The corner of Marlborough-row, Carnaby Market. This is a house of good fame, where good accomodation may be had for a lady and gentleman, at a tip-top charge, and is very snug and private, and where the game of ‘one peg in a hole’ is carried on to a great extent.
at game, n.
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor 9: This is a Yarmouth mot. A very clean, sober, and honest piece. [...] She hangs out in Fleet-street.
at hang out, v.1
[UK] Yokel’s Preceptor title page: A Joskin’s Vocabulary Of the Various Slang Words now in constant use [...] all the New Moves and Artful Dodges practised at the present day, in all the most notorious Flymy Kens and Flash Cribs of London! By which the Flat is put Awake to all the Plans adopted to Feather a Green Bird.
at joskin, n.
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