1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 44: The Rating Of The Tramps 27. Alkee Stiff & 28. White Line Stiff. Confirmed consumers of alcohol.at alky stiff (n.) under alky, adj.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 7: ‘Tramp A. No. 1’ — yours humbly, the author — was seen to board the ‘blind baggage’ of the Atlantic Express.at blind, n.2
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 43: The Rating Of The Tramps. 15 Blinky: train rider who lost one or both eyes.at blink, n.1
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 58: The ‘boss man’ of every colored family [...] drove to town for a settlement with his creditors.at boss man (n.) under boss, n.2
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 59: Jumping Cats! Quick, Silas, run and see if this advertisement concerns that funny-mugged dog critter.at jumping cats!, excl.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 68: ‘What’s that you’re jabbering?’ Wabash Dan roughly inquired of the Celestial.at celestial, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 44: The Rating Of The Tramps 32 Chronicker: hoboed [sic] with cooking utensils.at chronicker, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 43: The Rating Of The Tramps. 21 Straight Crip: actually crippled or otherwise afflicted. 22 Phoney Crip: self-mutilated or simulating a deformity.at straight crip (n.) under crip, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 17: The runaway husband had met with his just deserts by being consigned to Davy Jones’ locker.at Davy Jones’s locker, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 44: The Rating Of The Tramps 33. Stew Bum 34 Ding Bat 35 Fuzzy Tail 36 Grease Ball 37 Jungle Buzzard the dregs of vagrantdom.at dingbat, n.7
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 44: The Rating Of The Tramps 38 Shine or Dingy: colored vagabond.at dinge, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 44: The Rating Of The Tramps 40. Dino or Dynamiter. Sponged food of fellow hobos.at dino, n.1
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 43: The Rating Of The Tramps. 5. Dummy: pretended to be deaf and dumb.at dummy, n.1
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 43: The Rating Of The Tramps. 14 Fingy or Fingers: train rider who lost one or more fingers.at fingy, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 67: Tonight we’ll freight it down to New Orleans.at freight (it), v.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 44: The Rating Of The Tramps 33. Stew Bum 34. Ding Bat 35. Fuzzy Tail 36. Grease Ball 37. Jungle Buzzard – the dregs of vagrantdom.at fuzzy tail (n.) under fuzzy, adj.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 72: ‘That’s where we got hold of this chow,’ Wabash Dan asserted with spirit, confirming the statement of the gandy stiff.at gandy stiff, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 44: Gink or Gandy Stiff: occasionally labored, a day or two at the most.at gandy stiff, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 44: The Rating Of The Tramps 39 Gay Cat: employed as scout by criminal tramps.at gaycat, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 44: Gink or Gandy Stiff: occasionally labored, a day or two at the most. [Ibid.] 61: ‘This must be a training quarter for circus dogs,’ observed the gink.at gink, n.1
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 44: The Rating Of The Tramps [...] 42 Gun Moll: dangerous woman tramp.at gun moll, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 43: The Rating Of The Tramps. 20 Halfy: train rider who losts [sic] both legs above knee.at halfy, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 79: I become aflaid of Melican high-binders and we had chased them flom the laudry.at highbinder, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 57: The ‘fivers,’ the aristocrats of the kiyoodles.at kiyoodle, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 43: The Rating Of The Tramps. 19 Lefty: train rider who lost left arm and leg.at lefty, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 43: The Rating Of The Tramps. 17 Mitts: train rider who lost one or both hands.at mitt, n.
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 29: I was led to the ‘rogues’ gallery’ to be ‘mugged’.at mug, v.1
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 43: The Rating Of The Tramps. 7. Mush Faker. 8. Mush Rigger: umbrella mender who learned trade in penal institution. [Ibid.] 82: They found a razor they knew to have belonged to Boston Whitey, the mush faker.at mush-faker (n.) under mush, n.3
1918 ‘A-No. 1’ Mother of the Hoboes 43: The Rating Of The Tramps. 13 Peg: train rider who lost a foot.at peg, n.1