1992 S. Armitage ‘8 p.m. and Raining When Robinson’ in Kid 63: Mention us again and [...] we’ll have your balls for a bow tie.at have someone’s balls (for a game of pool) (v.) under balls, n.
1992 S. Armitage ‘Untitled, with Flowers’ in Kid 28: A brain wave! We stand them / in the loo.at brainwave (n.) under brain, n.1
1992 S. Armitage ‘Revision Exercise with Textbook Examples’ in Kid 74: It needed no chewing over.at chew (it) over (v.) under chew, v.
1992 S. Armitage ‘Brassneck’ in Kid 6: When we’re on the ball / we can clean someone out from a comb to a coin.at clean out, v.
1992 S. Armitage ‘Brassneck’ in Kid 8: He keeps his cunt-hooks out of my wallet.at cunt-hooks (n.) under cunt, n.
1992 S. Armitage ‘True North’ in Kid 3: Spark up, then take turns / to dimp burning cigs through the diaphragm.at dimp, v.
1992 S. Armitage ‘Revision Exercise with Textbook Examples’ in Kid 72: But to us, gobstruck / behind screens and keyboards.at gobsmacked, adj.
1992 S. Armitage ‘Alaska’ in Kid 26: So you upped and went [...] Now you must be sitting pretty.at sitting pretty, adj.
1992 S. Armitage ‘Looking for Weldon Kees’ in Kid 13: Robinson who [...] was back in town / and giving me the runaround.at runaround, n.
1992 S. Armitage ‘Eighteen Plays on Golfing as a Watchword’ in Kid 83: A sitter fluffed from two feet.at sitter, n.2
1992 S. Armitage ‘True North’ in Kid 3: Spark up, then take turns / to dimp burning cigs.at spark (it) (up) (v.) under spark, v.1
1992 S. Armitage ‘8 p.m. and Raining When Robinson’ in Kid 63: Next time you squeak, Robinson, one more mention / and you’re sausage meat.at squeak, v.
1992 S. Armitage ‘Great Sporting Moments: The Treble’ Kid 57: Whose arse I whipped with five choice strokes / perfected on West Yorkshire’s threadbare courts.at whip someone’s ass (v.) under whip, v.1