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The Long Gray Line choose

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[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 198: A hundred and fifty Bears at twenty thousand feet [...] That was World War II stuff.
at bear, n.
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 327: Funny farm, loony bin, cuckoo’s nest, booby hatch, nut house, cracker box, psycho ward.
at booby-hatch, n.
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 114: They were always strapped for cash.
at strapped (for cash), adj.
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 154: A promise to ‘clobber the living Jesus Christ out of you.’.
at Christ, n.
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 327: Funny farm, loony bin, cuckoo’s nest, booby hatch, nut house, cracker box, psycho ward.
at crackerbox, n.
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 327: Funny farm, loony bin, cuckoo’s nest, booby hatch, nut house, cracker box, psycho ward.
at cuckoo’s nest (n.) under cuckoo, n.1
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 14: All of them were also sons of the 1950s [...] and knew that DDT meant ‘drop dead twice’.
at d.d.t.!
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 108: The life of a ‘drag,’ as a cadet called his date, was an odd lot.
at drag, n.1
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 230: Experiencing combat – ‘seeing the elephant,’ as Civil War soldiers once called it. [Ibid.] 236: Matt had seen the elephant.
at see the elephant (v.) under elephant, n.
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 57: The GAP – the Great American Public – poured into the reservation for the parade.
at g.a.p., n.
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line 154: Most simply gritted out whatever ailed them.
at grit (it) out (v.) under grit, n.1
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 123: The ‘pig pool,’ the consolation prize for the classmate deemed to have the homeliest blind date.
at pig, n.
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 60: You [...] to the sinks. Post!
at post, v.4
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 327: Funny farm, loony bin, cuckoo’s nest, booby hatch, nut house, cracker box, psycho ward.
at psycho, adj.
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 61: Egregious offenders [...] were ‘slugged’. That meant demerits.
at slug, v.2
[US] R. Atkinson Long Gray Line (1990) 114: Trolling for girls was the preferred pastime.
at trolling, n.
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