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[Scot] A. Barclay Eglogues Aiv: To blowe in a bowle, and for to pill a platter.
at blow in a bowl, v.
[Scot] A. Barclay Eglogues Eiiii: Then art thou clapped, in the Fleete or Clynke.
at clink, n.1
[Scot] A. Barclay Eglogues Fiiii: When diet, excedeth temperaunce, Then followeth slouth [...] lechery, Blasphemyng, liying, crakyng, and periury.
at crack, v.1
[Scot] A. Barclay Eglogues Biii: Oft under yalowe lockes, Be hyd fowle scabbes, and fearful frenche pockes.
at French pox (n.) under French, adj.
[Scot] A. Barclay Eglogues Diii: Thou speakest now to playne, I feare, lest this geare, shall tourne vs unto payne.
at gear, n.
[Scot] A. Barclay Eglogues Bii: That they for almes (I sweare by goddes cokes) in euery towne wold make me scoure the stockes.
at God, n.1
[Scot] A. Barclay Eglogues Miiii: Some syng of Bessy, and some of Nan or Kate.
at kate, n.
[Scot] A. Barclay Eglogues Bii: That they for almes (I sweare by goddes cokes) in euery towne wold make me scoure the stockes.
at scour, v.1
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