1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 7: Sun shines out of his arse as far as she’s concerned.at think the sun shines out of someone’s ass under ass, n.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 95: I’ve even been known to talk to it, and when I catch meself doing that I say, Hey up, Jean, you get put away for doing that.at put away, v.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 71: Next time you fancy a bit just shove it up your arsehole and make a jug handle of it, right?at bit, n.1
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 7: She says three month, but I’m blowed if I can see it. I think it’s a small baby and she’s a hell of a lot further on.at I’ll be blowed! (excl.) under blowed, adj.1
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 56: If it ever got round she was doing that the other girls’d be down on her like a ton of bricks.at like a ton of brick(s) (adv.) under brick, n.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 113: She was one of the only two wicked people I’ve known, and I’ve known some bruisers.at bruiser, n.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 1: You’d only have a carry-on and wake every bugger up.at carry-on, n.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 31: ‘Like if there was a police car there he’d go and park beside it.’ ‘Oh, charming!’.at charming!, excl.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 19: Audrey clicked first. Brenda made a great show of taking the number.at click, v.3
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 5: She was going the right way for a clip round the ear, but she couldn’t stop.at clip, n.2
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 52: She took chances [...] and of course she got clobbered.at clobber, v.2
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 82: I stood outside the Comp and I watched a bloke pick a girl up.at comp, n.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 50: ‘Stuck up cow,’ Kath said, and jabbed two fingers in the air at the woman’s retreating back.at cow, n.1
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 22: He kept most of the money back, and he’d never crack on what he earned.at crack on, v.2
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 26: All George ever really wanted was sucking [...] he actually disliked cunt.at cunt, n.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 74: There was all hell let loose if you forgot and called her Waddle, because she did, you know. Duck’s disease.at duck’s disease (n.) under duck, n.1
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 2: She’s got nowt there to sag [...] Pair of fried eggs!at fried eggs, n.2
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 1: Brenda rounded on her, ‘Shut your face, you.’.at shut one’s face (v.) under face, n.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 117: But of course she managed to get me going in the end.at get going, v.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 4: He wasn’t that far gone: he was at the nasty-nice stage when most of the rows took place.at gone, adj.1
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 87: It wasn’t fucking Father Christmas that got him that, it was me. And damned hard graft.at graft, n.2
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 107: Oh dear me, could I hell do anything with him.at could I hell! (excl.) under — hell!, excl.
1984 P.T. Barker Blow Your House Down 113: Every time the poor old bitch tried to get out Gloria plants her hoof between the old girl’s tits and shoves her back again.at hoof, n.
1984 P. Barker Blow Your House Down 8: If you do go on, you’re raking it in. It’s the one time you really do make money.at rake (it) in, v.